Country Singer Discovers Dead Body In Massachusetts State Park – IOTW Report

Country Singer Discovers Dead Body In Massachusetts State Park

Daily Caller: Country singer Tyler Rich said he discovered a dead man’s body while out for a run in a Massachusetts state park and said it is something that he will never forget.

“Not the way I planned on closing out 2020…,” the 34-year-old country singer captioned his post on Instagram. The comments were noted by USA Today in a piece published Sunday

“My heart breaks for this poor young man,” he added. “This will be an image and moment of my life, I’ll never forget.” more

38 Comments on Country Singer Discovers Dead Body In Massachusetts State Park

  1. Usually the worst that happens in Chicopee State Park is that somebody torches the lifeguard’s chair. Although they haven’t had a lifeguard for the past few years because “budget cuts.” Still have a police detail on the weekends during the season, though.

  2. @The Dirtball

    Yep. Hillary must stop dumping her victims in parks. She needs to figure out a new modus operandi or people will start getting suspicious.

  3. He could turn his shock into a country song:

    “Me And You And A Corpse Turning Blue”
    “El Cambridge”
    “Mamas Don’t Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Stockbrokers”
    “Ring of Snow”

    (Hey, it’s only a dead guy in New England, America’s Brain Tumor).

  4. So sad. A young man who apparently felt so despairing and cornered. Reminds me: I heard a great snippet of one of my favorite radio preachers this morning, Alistair Begg, who reminds us that we Christians need to step up our game on sharing the Good News. There are too many people suffering in this country right now and they need to hear about Jesus Christ. He said it doesn’t need to be delivered with complete Biblical scholarship; just let someone know that Jesus is the way out of our despair.

  5. …I remember my first dead guy. No, not the drained and dressed kind you prop up in a box like a trophy on display, but rather raw, in the wild, left just as it was at the moment his soul was taken out of it.

    It was in the hospital I was doing my squad time and learning I didn’t know anything about death abd life. Another agency had brought in a guy having an extremely painful MI, and I had the privilege of lying across the guy’s lower body and wicking his piss up with my starchy white shirt so he wouldn’t kick everyone in the room to death while they tried to figure out what was wrong with his snapping, foaming, writhing ass.

    It was super emergent and at my level I really didn’t bring much to the party other than being a temporary leg restraint, so as the bay filled with docs and nurses and spouses and such, I squeezed out to go wring my shirt out and question my career path to date.

    I got to stop back later to clean up tho, because scut puppy WAS something I could do. Doc had declared him and everyone had moved on to be with the living, with them holding wifey in a screaming room somewhere while I and others tried to make the scene less barbaric. A code is real messy, wrappers, tubes, needle caps and assorted medical detrius flung every which where along with the long reel of (at the time) paper ECG showing the last dazed, chaotic moments of his doomed heart for later second guessing, with matted hair, roughly shaved patches for the leads, and blood spill all over the cooling body of the dearly departed, passing through rigor to an utterly flaccid state with shit and urine freed to go its way.

    Not sure where that peaceful death face idea came from, this guys facial muscles were relaxing with the rest of him, but he still had a stamp of agony on his sputum flecked face with crusted spit and maybe some vomit at the tube interface and filmed over eyes at half mast but not equal,like he was wincing at death and both lids didn’t make it.

    It takes a bit of work to make a dead guy even marginally presentable so he won’t freak out freinds and family (what the euphemism “The doctor just needs a few minutes before you can see him REALLY means), but a ton MORE work I found out later from a family friend who became a licensed mortician to make them box presentation ready.

    I have since seen Death in many more faces, mostly in pain, occasionally at peace, before any undertaker massaged the dead flesh to a parody of relaxation.

    And I’ve never seen any one that seemed particularly happy to go, or that actually looked like they were savoring their first look at Heaven.

    But I at least had some training and support the first time I saw this.

    So I can’t imagine it would be very pleasant at ALL for someone who’s never seen worse than a drunk vomiting his happy juice back out to that point like a CW singer may…

    ….I only hope he can forget it in time.

    …the Lord knows I never will…

  6. “…Dead Body In Massachusetts State Park…”

    Hate to follow SNS with an irreverent comment, but I don’t know that song. Hum a few bars for me and see if it comes back to me.

  7. HA! I knew SNS was gonna’ hit this thread like a muther truckin CRACK PIPE.

    That’s your death story?

    Try this one on for size, daddy-o.

    Came home for summer break, kid bro is doin’ his fireman thing. Gets a call while we’re eating dinner. Car accident. Comes home. IT WAS HIS PROM DATE. Dead as Hitler.

    “HOLY SH!T!” sez I, thinking this was traumatic for him.

    “What are you gonna’ do?”

    He looks me dead in the eye and says….

    …”Get another date.”

    (insert mic drop)

  8. Hey Burr, It’s my Mother-laws birthday tonight. She’s 96. A nurse. Became a Nurse thru the WW II nursing cadet program. Cared for many shot up warriors returning home. I’m actually learning a lot from her tonight. Would you like to disparage her reputation too. I’m fairly certain you can claim you fucked her too. I want to be shocked this community admires you as much as they do. But sadly I’m not. You pal, are a piece of shit that will eventually get exactly what you deserve.

  9. Weak people always gravitate towards the cool kid. Eventually they figure out he’s just a loser. I feel like I’m in High School again. Hey Burr, let’s meet at the back gate.

  10. Stop fighting so much, ffs.
    If you can’t stop then maybe exchange phone numbers so you can vocally tell each other how much you can’t stand the other one and spare the rest of us who aren’t a part of your spat. :l


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