Country Time’s ‘LegalAde’ – IOTW Report

Country Time’s ‘LegalAde’

h/t Czar of Defenestration.



Kids across the country are getting busted for operating lemonade stands without a permit. We’re taking the lead to by paying for kids’ fines + permits this year. For every RT this gets we’ll donate $1 (up to $500,000) to help kids next year + beyond.  WATCH

6 Comments on Country Time’s ‘LegalAde’

  1. Waiting for California to make a move, say a $500 permit for 12 hours for kids to have a lemonade stand. Plus an added water tax, regardless if they use bottled war or tap.

  2. POLICE STATE in action.

    Just remember that the next time you feel like defending the boys in blue when they show up threatening your kids.

    “Just following orders ma’am!”


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