County Records Contradict Lieawatha Warren’s Claim She Was Fired Over Pregnancy – IOTW Report

County Records Contradict Lieawatha Warren’s Claim She Was Fired Over Pregnancy


RIVERDALE, N.J.—The Riverdale Board of Education approved a second-year teaching contract for a young Elizabeth Warren, documents show, contradicting the Democratic presidential candidate’s repeated claims that she was asked not to return to teaching after a single year because she was “visibly pregnant.”

Minutes of an April 21, 1971, Riverdale Board of Education meeting obtained by the Washington Free Beacon show that the board voted unanimously on a motion to extend Warren a “2nd year” contract for a two-days-per-week teaching job. That job is similar to the one she held the previous year, her first year of teaching. Minutes from a board meeting held two months later, on June 16, 1971, indicate that Warren’s resignation was “accepted with regret.”

Warren’s claim that she was dismissed after her first year of teaching because she was pregnant has become a cornerstone of her stump speeches. read more

19 Comments on County Records Contradict Lieawatha Warren’s Claim She Was Fired Over Pregnancy

  1. So, basically, when the woke mob tracks down the principal of the school at the time because of the lie she told, they’ll ruin his life over something he didn’t do, which seems to be a democrat specialty now.

  2. The minutes of the meeting does not matter- it is a firmly held belief in Lieawatha’s family that she was fired for being pregnant and so that is all that matters.

    (please let it be her who wins the nomination)

  3. More evidence that Hillary is running again?

    Maybe Liz should be wondering how this old lie of hers suddenly got exposed.

    Here’s a hint, Liz. Do not go to Hillary for advice and endorsement. Of all the Dem candidates, she hates you the most.

  4. @TheMule October 8, 2019 at 12:56 pm

    > when the woke mob tracks down the principal of the school at the time because of the lie she told, they’ll ruin his life over something he didn’t do

    Xe didn’t wipe the records. Like with a cloth.

    Xe deserves it. Cleanliness is next to godlessness.

  5. I guess teaching for 6 hours a day, 2 days a week, for 9 months was just too much for her. Or else she just didn’t want to rub elbows with “those people” (special needs children).

  6. This poor lady.
    She’s certifiably nuts and a liar
    right in front of the whole world.
    But that seems to be a common affliction
    for all of the Democrat candidates.


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