Couple sues fertility clinic after son born with cancer gene they sought to avoid – IOTW Report

Couple sues fertility clinic after son born with cancer gene they sought to avoid

P M:

A California couple has filed a lawsuit against a fertility clinic for emotional anguish, future lost wages, and medical care after they realized their son was born with a hereditary cancer gene they thought they were avoiding.

As reported by the New York Post, Jason and Melissa Diaz opted to plan a family with in vitro fertilization (IVF) with genetic screening to increase their chances of a healthy child, as two of Jason’s aunts had died from hereditary diffuse gastric cancer (HDGC), a disease that the upset father fought himself and had to undergo a gastrectomy (stomach removal) for. Melissa also carries the dangerous BRCA-1, a gene signifying an increased risk of breast and ovarian cancer.

In their lawsuit, filed with the Los Angeles County Superior Court, the Diazes accused Pasadena’s HRC Fertility of implanting an embryo in Melissa that was carrying the CDH1 mutation, the gene that carries an 80 percent chance of developing HDGC, without their knowledge.

According to the lawsuit, the Diazes’ son, born September 2021, will need to undergo a preventative gastrectomy in order to avoid more suffering. The stomach removal procedure would help him avoid cancer, but comes with a lifetime of digestive complications. more here

10 Comments on Couple sues fertility clinic after son born with cancer gene they sought to avoid

  1. “…increase their chances…”

    Not the same as “guaranteed”.

    Past performance is no indication of future performance.

    …Oh, and mankind SUCKS at playing God.

    If all of COVID hasn’t informed you of that by now

    You’re a delusional idiot.

  2. After the covid BS I’m not surprised at the lack of knowledge of the medical world and the extreme story telling and lies because of the greed for money and wealth. Didn’t anyone learn???

  3. Melissa also carries the dangerous BRCA-1, a gene signifying an increased risk of breast and ovarian cancer.

    Since the BRCA mutation is inherited, your ancestry may play a role in your risk for having a BRCA mutation. People with Ashkenazi Jewish heritage are at an increased risk for BRCA mutations. Dutch, French Canadian, Icelandic, and Norwegian people may also be more likely to carry BRCA mutations.Dec 10, 2018

    I wonder if they have the Jewish Ashkenazi gene. It was found among women of Indian heritage, who also had the Ashkenazi Jewish BCRA gene. I don’t know how this error could have been prevented other than starting with an egg and sperm from a pure source. Good luck with that.

  4. I can’t help but remember the old punchline:

    “No, sir, she’s a pretty White girl, but the baby was born a nagger and that’s why I want this day-vorce!”

  5. Very sad. I wonder why they didn’t attempt to create new embryos, after the single, bad gene free embryo miscarriage? Also, just because a person has the gene, does not always mean that the dz will manifest. Although he can pass it on to his offspring. Hopefully, baby will remain healthy and any siblings will be through adoption.


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