Couple with 8 children open their home to terminally ill kids – IOTW Report

Couple with 8 children open their home to terminally ill kids

LifeNews: As a hospice nurse, Cori Salchert began to notice a heartbreaking practice. Some terminally ill babies were being abandoned by their families and left to die alone.

cori salchert

The Wisconsin mother of eight told the Sheboygan Press that she often would cradle terminally ill infants and children so “no one had to die alone.”

“There was no judgment on my part that the parents should just be able to deal with the circumstances,” Cori said. “But I thought, ‘Wow, I would really like to take those kiddos and care for them.’” MORE

23 Comments on Couple with 8 children open their home to terminally ill kids

  1. 9 years ago, my wife and I had received our greatest blessing of caring for our two terminally ill grandchildren at our home from their birth. It was a time of our most intense and demanding of our lives.

    We were drained physically, emotionally and spiritually, yet we were filled continually by the endless love, prayers and visits of family, church, friends, nurses and doctors. We praise God that He prepared us, entrusted their care to us and carried us during the darkest and demanding moments.

    Jarren died at 18 months and Jaylynn was buried on her first birthday.

    They both were cared for and loved 24/7 their entire lives and buried side by side.

    Beautiful children who blessed our lives beyond measure. They will always be a part of us, we yearn to see and hold them again.

  2. cato, god bless you and your wife, and thank you for your story and the perpsective

    i am not so courageous

    spent many a night at children’s hospital seeing my boy through many surgeries, seemed never-ending

    when walking those halls, i was poignantly reminded of those who suffered so much worse, as i saw many a family praying over children who would not be coming home

  3. Thank you, but Not amazing at all.
    Nothing exceptional. Ordinary people, for sure.

    We all do the best we can.
    Some days our best is good enough, some days we fall short.

    When we fall we just stay on our knees long enough to pray for strength and guidance, get back up again and do our best each day we are provided.

  4. And to you LadyGun12.
    No regrets.
    The strength, faith and blessings we received were beyond our understanding. We are so fortunate to have had Jarren and Jaylynn grace our lives.

    I had heard so many times, “The Lord won’t give you more than you can handle”.
    Alone, we could not have endured …. with Him, all things are possible. He proved it many times over (and still does).
    Blessings !

  5. Remember that there are eight children observing and surely helping as these unfortunates receive love and care in their home.

    They are learning lessons about God, their parents, and themselves as well, that will shape their lives.

  6. Blessings to you “.”
    I think you would be amazed to know how others see and acknowledge your courage.

    Joshua 1:9

    Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

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