Court awards tranny 75k for bathroom discrimination – IOTW Report

Court awards tranny 75k for bathroom discrimination

ORONO, Maine — A Maine court has awarded the family of a transgender girl $75,000 in a settlement of her discrimination lawsuit against a school district where administrators made her use a staff, not student, bathroom.

Nicole Maines won her lawsuit against the Orono school district in January before the Maine Supreme Judicial Court, which ruled that the school district violated the Maine Human Rights Act. It was the first time a state high court in the U.S. concluded that a transgender person should use the bathroom of the gender with which they identify.



The twin brother always looks thrilled, doesn’t he?

20 Comments on Court awards tranny 75k for bathroom discrimination

  1. It’s a Maine high court so with luck it will be appealed to a court where the judges aren’t morons. The school board better appeal else they’ll be facing a huge expense in putting in special bathrooms or face lawsuits from real females who were forced to share a bathroom with a genetic male.

  2. Pretty soon, it won’t be identifying with the other sex, it will be identifying as a different age. That’s when NAMBLA members say they identify with 5-10 year olds and should be able to use any restroom the 5-10 year olds are occupying at that very moment. And the liberal courts will agree.

  3. @Stranded in Sonoma: And it won’t end there. Google “otherkin” or “headmate” to sound the depths of insanity and perversion that some people expect us to socially and financially accommodate in the name of *Tolerance* and *Diversity*.

  4. Writing legislation for the Public to obey based on the symptomatic imperatives of someone’s mental disorder.
    Sounds like Obamacare
    Tell the Little turd that him acting out the symptoms of his disorder is not a productive life strategy.
    Hang his lawyer, cane his parents, relocate his brother to a normal household

  5. this is a direct result of us “being nice” to queers years ago.
    this would have never happened if they didn’t drop homosexuality from the list of mental disorders, would it?

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