Court Blocks Obamacare Transgender Surgery Mandate – IOTW Report

Court Blocks Obamacare Transgender Surgery Mandate

WFB: A federal court blocked an Obamacare mandate that would compel doctors to perform gender reassignment surgery.

An order of Catholic nuns challenged the mandate under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, arguing that it forces doctors to violate their consciences and medical judgment. A North Dakota district court judge ruled on Tuesday that nuns and other religious health care providers were harmed by the law.

“Absent an injunction, they will either be ‘forced to violate their sincerely held religious beliefs’ by performing and covering gender-transition procedures ‘or to incur severe monetary penalties for refusing to comply,'” District Court Judge Peter D. Welte wrote. “An injunction will also advance the public interest because the protection of constitutional rights is ‘always in the public interest.'”

The decision came hours before President Biden took the oath of office and could complicate some of the new president’s health care agenda. Biden has vowed to prioritize transgender rights as president. He pledged to ease access and provide support to those who want to obtain gender transition—also known as gender confirmation—surgery, among other initiatives. more

14 Comments on Court Blocks Obamacare Transgender Surgery Mandate

  1. …it’s not enough that they rape children, its not even enough that they physically and chemically mutilate children, but they have to force YOU to not only accept it but to SUPPORT it as well.

    …Quo Vadis Domine?

  2. prioritize transgender rights

    Try and imagine those words coming out of Sonny Crockett’s mouth. Tough ain’t it.

    Just like a dude walking in the ladies BR after my 8 year old daughter and walking out with his teeth.

  3. I would assume that “gender reassignment surgery” is a highly specialist-dependent procedure, and if someone has chosen to specialize in that field, then it would seem likely that they’d be willing to perform that function, meaning that you wouldn’t NEED a law or court order to compel their service. And if someone wasn’t already performing that function, it would stand to reason that they’d not be especially trained or equipped to do it — and thus likely to provide a less-than-optimal outcome — so why the hell would you want to compel them to do it? It’d be like compelling a grocery store butcher — with his somewhat-related knowledge of anatomy and his skill with a knife — to perform brain surgery on someone.

  4. mustng66 January 21, 2021 at 11:29 am

    Good. We should be be giving mental health help instead of giving into their delusions.

    People with that kind of mind set CANNOT be cured or even helped. I have never heard of anyone with such extreme mental issues ever been cured of their “illness.” I don’t believe it’s an illness, I believe that something happened in the DNA conception process. Their wiring went haywire.

  5. @Heatsync: If the person wanting the reassignment has the money to pay for it, by all means perform the surgery. I don’t believe that we should have to pay for it. Prisoners are in on the deal at the taxpayer expense. IMHO, we’re getting ripped off again at the whim of weirdos. Furthermore, I don’t want to pay for their sessions with the shrink. The shrink is the monetary winner, while the guy with chopped off nuts wants to know why he wanted his nuts chopped off. Easy, hand me the $1,000 and I’ll tell you why – “YOU’RE NUTS AND CAN’T BE HELPED!”

  6. It’s very important to the Left to force Christians to violate their religious beliefs and to put government before God.

    They will find some way to override this Court’s decision, they won’t give up till they do.

  7. …as for the “doctors” who choose to misuse their God-given talents like this…

    “First, do no harm”
    -The Hippocratic Oath

    …I remember when cutting off healthy tissue and functional organs for no reason other that the politics of the moment and the accommodation of insanity would have been considered “harm”, but then I suppose that Megele’s experiments in freezing Jewish men to near death and having their wives and daughters try to sexually stimulate them to see if it would help their recovery were fully in keeping with the medical standards and practices of HIS time and place, TOO…

    …if anyone ever wondered how Nazi Germany or Stalinist Russia ever happened, just look out your American window in 2021 and you’ll see it unfold in real time…

  8. Beachmom
    JANUARY 21, 2021 AT 12:38 PM
    “Just in time. I wonder if Biden’s Asst. Healthcare guy went home and cried.”

    …sure, while furiously jerking off “her” penis at the same time…


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