Court Finds Justin Trudeau’s Use of Counter-Terrorism Law Against Freedom Convoy Unconstitutional – IOTW Report

Court Finds Justin Trudeau’s Use of Counter-Terrorism Law Against Freedom Convoy Unconstitutional

A Canadian Federal Court Judge found Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s use of a counter-terrorism law to shut down the Freedom Convoy trucker protests against vaccine mandates and other lockdown measures in 2022 unconstitutional.

17 Comments on Court Finds Justin Trudeau’s Use of Counter-Terrorism Law Against Freedom Convoy Unconstitutional

  1. All these turd heads in Canada and the US repeatedly break Constitutional laws and related in order to push their new world order agenda. Sadly nearly all the politicians go along with this corruption because they feel they are far superior than our laws.
    I have a hard time understanding why people vote for them in the first place.

  2. “It is better to ask forgiveness than permission,” if unconstitutional acts were served with severe consequences, we would have no need monotonous opinions from higher courts. there is nothing stopping a complete repeat of the same behavior from the supreme leader.

  3. The punishment for using government oppressive force in an unconstitutional manner? None.

    Castreau is the correct party in the correct government. Much like the Biden, Clinton, Fried, Schumer, oh hell, could go on forever with these COMMUNISTIC BASTARDS… if you’re the right kind of criminal you are excused for your crimes. If you are the wrong kind of person you get charged with made up crimes… and punished with the full weight of ‘the law’.

  4. So now, what should Canadians do with him?

    (a) He’s slipping, so, send him on a six-week Communist refresher training course in China.

    (b) Send him to Cuba for a holiday visiting relatives.

    (c) Pat him on the back, give him a giant ‘Do Better!’ slip and have him go out and about in a boat, eh?

    (d) Require that he campaign with Joe Biden and eat the same pudding cups and ice cream cones (and smell Joe’s lactose intolerance farts).

    (e) Firing squad. (Could have led with that, but eh.)


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