Court: Pennsylvania Must Release Records On Non-Citizens Voting In Elections – IOTW Report

Court: Pennsylvania Must Release Records On Non-Citizens Voting In Elections

Shawn Fleetwood for Federalist

The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania must release records pertaining to a “glitch” within its Department of Transportation that allowed non-citizens to register to vote in the state for decades, according to a new ruling from a U.S. district court.

In a March 31 opinion authored by Judge Christopher Conner, the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania ruled that under the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA), The Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) is entitled access to documents detailing the prevalence of the issue and actions taken by the commonwealth to address the errors in the state’s voting files.

“The expansive obligation under NVRA to disclose voting registration records gives rise to legitimate privacy concerns. Nonetheless, we agree with the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals’ observation that the balance between privacy and transparency must be struck by the legislature, not the courts,” Conner wrote. “Congress struck such a balance when it enacted NVRA, deciding transparency in how states determine voter eligibility—the vital bedrock of our electoral system—is generally paramount.”

In 2017, authorities discovered an error within the computer system of the state’s Department of Transportation that allowed “non-United States citizens applying for or renewing a driver’s license to register to vote in the Commonwealth.” As a result, the government undertook a series of analyses to ascertain the extent to which the glitch allowed noncitizens onto the Commonwealth’s voter registration lists,” which included a “noncitizen matching analysis” conducted by an outside expert. read more

11 Comments on Court: Pennsylvania Must Release Records On Non-Citizens Voting In Elections

  1. Nicolas P Cignetti APRIL 8, 2022 AT 2:21 PM
    “As I have said before—–Welcome to the 21st Century where Ethics, Integrity and Morals have no meaning!!!!!!!!”

    …I wouldn’t say “No” meaning…they are considered by the enemy traitors as a tool to strangle the people who have them with, because if one side fights dirty and the other side is constrained not to, I can tell you who will win…Also, you can’t use the devil’s tools in his despite…if you lose all YOUR morals and ethics, then you may win, but only by becoming that which you hate, so you really won nothing at all…


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