Court Rules Against Arizona Grandmother Who Was Arrested for Feeding Homeless – IOTW Report

Court Rules Against Arizona Grandmother Who Was Arrested for Feeding Homeless

Gateway Pundit

The Gateway Pundit reported on the arrest of an Arizona grandmother, Norma Thornton, 78, in 2022 for feeding homeless people in public, violating Arizona law.

The grandmother said that she was so shocked about being arrested that she thought it was a joke.

“Still, I thought it was a kind of joke, someone playing a prank– until I was put in the back of the police car,” Thornton told Fox 5 Vegas. “I have always believed that when you have plenty, you should share.” more here

9 Comments on Court Rules Against Arizona Grandmother Who Was Arrested for Feeding Homeless

  1. When it comes to handouts, the government wants no citizens infringing on its monopoly. Nope, that would lead to the citizen’s self-reliance, instead of relying on the mailed fist of government.

    Gov’t: You’ll get your bag of rice from us and nobody else.

  2. Hmmm, I’m a bit torn on this one. I do agree that it is important to help those in need – to a point – and I do try to help those in need to a point.

    Whether or not it’s a personal ‘gift’ or from government, many times helping others only shits their dependency on the entity providing the help. The more you help with simple gifts like food and clothing, without asking for something in return, encourages them to continue their dependency on others.

    Something in return could be as simple as raking your lawn, sweeping your driveway, cleaning out your car or picking up trash in the street (better not to let them know where you live.)

  3. I remember back when Rush was on the radio talking about the police arresting guys for selling loosies (single cigs) because the State wasn’t getting it tax money!! Good Lord! The guy is not hurting anyone and is at least trying to earn a little money! Don’t we want our police going after REAL problems and crimes???


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