Court rules California’s COVID-19 shutdown of gun stores violated Second Amendment – IOTW Report

Court rules California’s COVID-19 shutdown of gun stores violated Second Amendment

WaExaminer– The Second Amendment “means nothing if the government can prohibit all persons from acquiring any firearm or ammunition,” Judge Lawrence VanDyke wrote in the decision. “But that’s what happened in this case.”

The ruling overturns lower court decisions in separate cases against Los Angeles and Ventura counties. more

13 Comments on Court rules California’s COVID-19 shutdown of gun stores violated Second Amendment

  1. Which amounts to a civil rights violation which in a just society would disqualify any government officials involved from any future office. In this case it is probably a resume’ enhancement

  2. ^^^^Civil Rights, The rights belonging to an individual by virtue of citizenship, especially the fundamental freedoms and privileges guaranteed by the 13th and 14th Amendments to the US Constitution and by subsequent acts of Congress, including civil liberties, due process, equal protection of the laws, and freedom from discrimination.
    You are confusing 2 different sets of laws, gun rights are different from civil rights.

  3. The Civil Rights Act of 1866, among numerous other things, specified(redundantly I’d add) that the right to keep and bear arms was a civil right.

    How that differs from God given inherent rights, I don’t know.

  4. I wonder how much money the gun stores lost due to this unconstitutional law? And will the stores be able to recover the lost money? And who pays? Taxpayers of course, not the fascists who put the law in place.

  5. ^^^^ The Civil Rights Act was a bill written after the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution abolished slavery. The act stated that all people born on American soil, with the exception of Native Americans, were to be considered American citizens. The Civil Rights Act of 1866 was proposed by Senate Judiciary Chairman Lyman Trumbull of Illinois. (Guns, your confused).

  6. Do a search, so me a link where the US Supreme Court declared gun laws beyond an “Individual Right” to bare arms. Modern case rulings will define & overrule older laws. Although some people feel it’s a civil right, their opinion is not what counts here. The Supreme Court does, show me where & when they declared gun ownership/right to bear arm is also a Civil Right.

  7. This was a three judge panel from the Ninth Circus Court. This ruling will be appealed, it will be heard ‘en banc’ and the entire court which is dominated by commies will overturn the ruling. Not a victory….at best a minor statement.

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