Court Ruling That Feds Owe Obamacare Insurer- Could Leave Gov’t On Hook For Billions – IOTW Report

Court Ruling That Feds Owe Obamacare Insurer- Could Leave Gov’t On Hook For Billions


An Oregon insurer got a leg up in a court ruling in an ongoing battle over whether the federal government owes billions to insurers who volunteered to participate in Obamacare exchanges and lost money.

A U.S. Court of Federal Claims ruled Thursday evening that the federal government owes Moda Health $214 million in risk corridor payments as promised by the Affordable Care Act. Over a dozen similar lawsuits have been filed against the government, but this the first win for an insurer, according to Axios.


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10 Comments on Court Ruling That Feds Owe Obamacare Insurer- Could Leave Gov’t On Hook For Billions

  1. …Judge Thomas Wheeler wrote in the order. “After all, to say to [Moda], ‘The joke is on you. You shouldn’t have trusted us,’ is hardly worthy of our great government.”

    It’s the nation that’s great, Wheeler.
    Don’t conflate the nation with the damned govt.

    And anybody who trusts the govt to do what it says is a bloody moron.

  2. With all due respect Judge Wheeler we didn’t trust the government, it was shoved down our throats as I recall and we won’t forget that Justice Roberts hammered the nail in the coffin to seal the deal.
    In light of this ruling, I recommend all Jurists who voted for this fraud should be impeached and replaced.

  3. As I read the story it seems that ObamaCare guaranteed the losses would be made good. Don’t blame the Judge for enforcing a bad law as that bad law was passed by congress and upheld by SCOTUS. Trump needs to work out a deal that minimizes the liability incurred by ObamaCare while reminding everyone just whose fault this was (Pelosi and Reid along with their Democratic henchmen as well as Obama) and keep reminding them while a replacement to ObamaCare is prepared. If he works out a decent deal and Congress can come up with a good replacement I can see Pelosi and the Dems pushing hard for an Assisted Suicide Law for Democrats and other assorted liberals.

  4. Nothing new here, we all knew what Barry has done with healthcare, military, helping Islamic terrorists, judicial appointments, taxes, regulations and laws will have a lasting effect well beyond his tenure. We will be paying the price for decades.

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