“Covfefe” wins the Breeder’s Cup – IOTW Report

12 Comments on “Covfefe” wins the Breeder’s Cup

  1. WIL, it was a typo of “coffee” in a Tweet President Trump put out a couple of years ago. The left glommed onto it to try and prove President Trump has as much dementia as the MSM is ignoring that Slow Joe has now.

  2. This is great to see, Covfefe winning, but unfortunately Twatter is in an UPROAR (my 14 year old horse racing expert tells me) over Mongolian Groom being put down after he broke his leg while in last turn there @ 5:09, he must have stepped on something in the track going wide there as he was NOT bumped UNTIL he swerved right then left:


    The left HATES horse racing:



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