COVID-19 Response Was ‘Unscientific’ and Ignored Constitutionally Guaranteed Rights, Liberties: House Committee On Oversight and Accountability – IOTW Report

COVID-19 Response Was ‘Unscientific’ and Ignored Constitutionally Guaranteed Rights, Liberties: House Committee On Oversight and Accountability


In a statement made during a Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic hearing, Chairman Brad Wenstrup (R-OH) expressed his concerns over the violation of constitutionally protected civil liberties during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The hearing was aptly named “Churches vs. Casinos: The Constitution is not Suspended in Times of Crisis” and explored the perceived overreach of government at all levels during the pandemic.

Rep. Wenstrup declared, “Arbitrary lockdowns and stay-at-home orders stripped Americans of their freedoms, while the issuance of restrictive vaccine and mask mandates imposed on their civil liberties.”

He lamented that even as more data became available on COVID-19 transmission, governments did not adapt their strategies or answer for “their unconstitutional directives.”

Wenstrup highlighted Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, Neil Gorsuch’s perspective that the government’s response to COVID-19 was one of “the greatest intrusions on civil liberties in the peacetime history of this country.” read more

12 Comments on COVID-19 Response Was ‘Unscientific’ and Ignored Constitutionally Guaranteed Rights, Liberties: House Committee On Oversight and Accountability

  1. And we knew that from the beginning.
    From March 2020 I was talking about what we learned in 1918. Masks don’t work, quarantine of healthy people does no good and a lot of destruction, etc., etc. Of course plenty of others said that too – and it turned out to be true, because viruses tend to act the same.
    We had the science. It was ignored, in favor of power and control and money.

  2. FYI / ICYMI: Check THIS out!

    Right now (6-22-2023) at the Kentlands Whole Foods Market in Gaithersburg, MD where I ran my company and also lived there up to 9/2018, THIS notice is STILL on their Website (store Zip is 20874):

    “Masks are not required if fully vaccinated, except where required by mandate”.

    NOTE: Since I never shop there, didn’t bother checking other Whole Foods stores.

  3. “Arbitrary lockdowns and stay-at-home orders stripped Americans of their freedoms, while the issuance of restrictive vaccine and mask mandates imposed on their civil liberties.”

    Anybody that voluntarily complied with arbitrary lockdowns and stay at home orders gave up their freedom. Willingly giving up freedom and rights is why we’re at where we are today. Sadly, covid has shown me that many of my fellow citizens will give up those things with no fight whatsoever.

    During the height of the covid madness, IOTW featured a story about a restaurant in Virginia whose owner refused to close. The place is called Gourmeltz and run by a guy named Max Strickland. Being a freedom fan, I wanted to do something to encourage this guy. I researched the place on line and thought the menu looked delicious but unfortunately they didn’t deliver to FBKS but did cater to police and disabled vets. I sent him $50 and told him why and to buy a vet dinner. I received a very nice thank you letter.

    A couple months ago I saw Max Strickland on Newsmax telling his story. The authorities never closed him down but not for the lack of trying. He is now running the Virginia legislature and if you are from that area, somebody you should consider supporting. Our country needs people like this badly.


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