COVID-1984 – IOTW Report


Diogenes’ Middle Finger: At first I wanted to give everyone involved in the insanity of the left regarding the Wuhan virus the benefit of the doubt, we didn’t know what this was, and we were trying to take precautions to prevent the spread of a virus we knew little about.  With the new data coming out, and the revelations of the WHO being an arm of the Chinese government, and the fact that none of the numbers can be trusted from government organizations I have thrown my hands over the reaction to this pandemic.

I swear it’s like there is a contest among the elite to see what stupid things they can get their citizens to do using scare tactics and a complicit unquestioning media.  Whether it’s wearing hats with pool noodles attached to keep “social distance” or it’s walking in the equivalent of a baby stroller to go to a bar in Maryland, this is asinine and almost reads like a psychological operation to see just how much you can demean American citizens before they finally snap.  more

9 Comments on COVID-1984

  1. We had an asshole copper in New Brunswick give a $292 Ticket to a man having a coffee & muffin in the parking lot of the very Tim Horton’s where he bought the shit, with the windows rolled up.

    1 – you are discouraged from drinking coffee and eating while driving in Canuckistan – distracted driving possible charge

    2 – discouraged from pulling over at the side of the road shoulder because it is not an emergency

    3 – restaurant was closed but not the drive through and they usually allow 20-30 min max time limit is suck parking lots.

    Source; Several, but Rebel media has a video on you tube

  2. Does everybody get that the democrat party is in the hands of the ChiComms? That the ChiComms have dirt on everyone of the scumbags who have committed treason for some money??

    Start with dianne feinstein, work your way town to pelosi, then bill clinton, then hillary clinton, then obama, then mcconnell, then boehner, then romney.

    Trump, Devin Nunes, Jim Jordan, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Tom Cotton: they are the ONLY ones we can trust.


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