Covid 2022: Calling Out The Enablers Of The Destructive Covid Panic – IOTW Report

Covid 2022: Calling Out The Enablers Of The Destructive Covid Panic

KPRC: As the Covid pandemic becomes an endemic here in the U.S., you may or may not have noticed the narrative has changed as well.

From 15 days to slow the spread, to 2 years of lockdowns and mandates, the left is now trying to separate itself from what some say will go down in history as a catastrophic moral crime.

“History will not look back on how this was handled in a favorable light” said Dr. Brian Joondeph, “It may take awhile, but this will be regarded as a dark day for science, for medicine, and for government overreach.”

Ironically, most of what the left called Covid ‘misinformation’, which led to thousands of Americans being shamed and cancelled, turned out to be -correct- information.

“There will be, and should a reckoning for this, because this was really poorly handled, not following the science and creating so much carnage and damage in the world, and it’s going to take a long time to recover that” Dr. Joondeph said.

The damage done to the kids is unspeakable. Add to that 40% of small businesses across the U.S. closed.

“A lot of people profited from this, a lot of people were hurt from this, and why?” Dr. Joondeph told KTRH, “Would it have been different if it wasn’t a presidential election year? And it wasn’t Donald Trump running for re-election? And here we are now with the midterm elections, potentially a big shift in power. What’s going to happen?”. read more

9 Comments on Covid 2022: Calling Out The Enablers Of The Destructive Covid Panic

  1. “The damage done to the kids is unspeakable. ”

    …The damage STILL done to the kids is a crime against humanity that cries out for not only justice, but for vengeance and retribution against the spawn of Satan that force it on them even NOW…


    You cannot speak of “a reckoning” until you have FIRST separated the criminal from his victim.

    And this we have NOT done, to the shame of us ALL.

  2. My concerns which, if I were on Facebook would get me banned from Facebook, are:

    Case Fatality Rate: negligible (less than 1%) for folks under 50). As one gets older, the Case Fatality Rate increases; however, by age 90 (CFR 30%), a fall could kill you.

    Over-reporting: many jurisdictions have reported that deaths include “with Covid” in addition to “of Covid.” I know this from personal experience; one 92 year old lady is a Covid statistic even though she had it, recovered and died from old-age related heart failure.

    Mask: cloth masks are ineffective – even the CDC admits this. So why so we still have mandates?

    Social distancing: 6 feet is a made up number.

    Vaccines: they aren’t vaccines because they don’t prevent the disease. They may mitigate the effects of Covid. Our government and medical community has been horrible about providing truthful information on the Pfizer and Moderna products, which leads to all sorts of conspiracy theories.

    Censorship: yes, social media does this and the government encourages it for the “health of society.” I automatically question things that the government suppresses, and I automatically question things when counter-vailing viewpoints (even if supposedly nutty) are censored.

    So yes, I think the enablers should be prosecuted.

  3. There were only 2 times before COVID that I willingly wore a protective mask, the week after Mt. St. Helens blew up in May 1980 and when I was insulating water heaters for a local utility company as part of a conservation program 40 years ago using fiberglass insulation. I refuse to wear a mask unless I absolutely have to when I’m out grocery shopping etc., thanks for nothing Governor Inslee and I refuse to be vaccinated as I am in good health.

  4. The felons may have ‘shielded’ themselves (isn’t that special!) from liability, BUT that does not save them from the charge of TREASON.
    And remember, Treason is the crime that the Constitution specifies capital punishment as the sentence. Lay on, MacDuff!

  5. “History will not look back on how this was handled in a favorable light” said Dr. Brian Joondeph, “It may take awhile,”

    Yeah, like right after Durham is done and The election is thoroughly looked into.

    We regulars here will not be alive if this happens.


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