COVID Cases Inflated for Profit: ‘The Guy Went in for Multiple Gunshot Wounds and he was Coded as COVID’ – IOTW Report

COVID Cases Inflated for Profit: ‘The Guy Went in for Multiple Gunshot Wounds and he was Coded as COVID’

Project Veritas –

Jeanne Stagg, a whistleblower who worked in Inpatient Utilization Management, approached Project Veritas after seeing cases coded as COVID-19 that she says should not have COVID-19 listed as the “primary diagnosis.” WATCH

4 Comments on COVID Cases Inflated for Profit: ‘The Guy Went in for Multiple Gunshot Wounds and he was Coded as COVID’

  1. You’re in the hospital because you were hit by a bus or bitten by a shark? They’re still going give you a predetermined covid test and shove a tube down your throat, while pumping you full of remdesivir. Their greed outweighs any true concern for your health.

  2. Mom spent six weeks in skilled “nursing” facility. Diagnosed with Covid, no symptoms, also no physical therapy, no interaction with anyone, except minimal care, for two weeks.
    Insurance says the facility can charge for Covid protocols and make more money, so of course, everyone has Covid.
    They changed the visiting rules and forced me to take rapid test. I saw it was negative, gave it to the nurse and she said, it takes a while to read. I was waiting for it to come back positive so that they could keep me out of there.
    The whole time, the director was sitting in his office with the door open and NO MASK. I was waiting to talk to him. He was studiously ignoring me. I whipped out my phone, pretended to get a text and took a pic of him, disregarding the rules.
    The kicker is this @-hole looks like Gruesom Newsom, LOL.
    I sprung mom from that place that day!

  3. My friend’s sister in law passed away from organ failure from a tick borne disease. Tested neg for covid but they put covid on the death certificate.
    Her husband was ticked. They told him it doesn’t matter.
    Uh, yes it does.
    It’s illegal to forge a death cert and they’re extorting money..
    It was Maine Medical in Portland, ME.


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