COVID Did Not Panic Chiropractors. Why Not? – IOTW Report

COVID Did Not Panic Chiropractors. Why Not?

American Thinker:

By Robert Curry

If you have been troubled by the rapidly declining claims for the efficacy of the COVID vaccines and boosters or by the rapidly rising reports of problems with the vaccines and the boosters, you might be interested to know how it came about that COVID did not panic chiropractors.  It’s a fascinating story, and I was privileged to learn it firsthand.

I enrolled in chiropractic college just in time to get a powerful lesson in one chapter of that amazing story.  A contingent of students who had completely recovered from childhood polio under chiropractic care enrolled around the same time I did.  They were in my class and in classes before and after my class.  To hear their stories of what chiropractic adjustments had done for them became part of my chiropractic education.  They helped me in another way, too: their conviction about the power of chiropractic adjustments helped me make the transition from a student to a doctor capable of meeting the enormous challenges of chiropractic practice.  They were inspired and determined to be great chiropractors, and they inspired me, too.

The old-timers, just then passing out of the profession, had similar tales about an earlier epidemic.  Chiropractic, officially born in 1895, was still very new, and there were few chiropractors when the Spanish Flu hit in 1918.  But chiropractic adjustments worked for victims of the Spanish Flu just as they were later to do for polio victims.  Medicine had little to offer, so people tried chiropractic, and those who did spread the word. read more

14 Comments on COVID Did Not Panic Chiropractors. Why Not?

  1. My Chiro laughed at the whole damned thing.
    He cracked by ass when I needed it, I fixed his furnace when he needed it, & No one wore masks.
    Neither did we charge each other.

    If it was not for him, I would have quit HVAC years ago due to the wear & Tear on the Joints.

    Cheers George!

  2. Q (serious): Is chiropracty (sp?) anything like acupuncture, in that they treat the patient, not the symptoms?

  3. An odd headline – but I swear by my chiropractor, and she has resolved a lot of physical issues, not just spine-related. She was my second call leaving the ER after a car accident (after my employer), and she has fixed a lot of issues that I only mentioned to her as an afterthought.
    That said, she is not a typical chiropractor but a ‘directional non-force’ chiropractor – and when I moved 1,000 miles away I made a point of finding the same type here. A friend nearly died at the hands of a ‘traditional’ chiropractor despite being exceptionally healthy, there is always the possibility of malpractice/error with the neck-twisters.
    There is certainly a point to holistic health. Another doctor friend recently published a book, called literally ‘Let’s Talk Sh!t’, which focuses on the gut biome as a driver of health. She has saved thousands of covid patients, has lost zero, and does include treatments like HCQ, Ivermectin, and Pepcid.

  4. You know, more than anything else, the thing that disgusted me the MOST out of this was the way the “medical profession” on ALL levels, people who SHOULD know better, people who DID know better, supported and went along with this travesty.

    This had many reasons, most of which Democrats have spent decades putting together. Say what you will about commies, they have one HELL of a long game.

    Obamacare chased all the older docs out because the burdens of that, along with the stupidity of things like transgenderism, equity medicine, and other wokeness convinced docs who COULD to retire. This included docs OLD enough to remember when Fachi pulled THIS EXACT SAME CRAP 40 YEARS AGO with AIDS. This left a cadre of younger docs without any stabilization from the elder generation in a profession that has respect for seniority INGRAINED in it. This left the only “senior” doc they had to listen to as…Fachi.

    Also, their livlihoods depended to a new degree on Government narrative compliance. Rewards were set up for rightthink, and you could get punishments from not being paid to having your hospital privileges removed to having endless investigations to having your license taken away if you did not comply.

    And your staff was frightened into compliance as well. As the medical profession continues to pixilate into positions that need less and less training, those younger people with minimal training and little experience are pretty easy to frighten when ALL OF MEDIA AND GOVERNMENT sets out to frighten them. As a doc you’re going to find it tough to run your practice if your aides and office staff refuse to come in until you erect barriers and triple mask everyone and chase everyone you can out of an office where YOU SEE SICK PEOPLE BECAUSE THAT’S THE JOB, but every sneeze and sniffle anyone gets will be blamed on YOU NOT PROTECTING THEM FROM COVID.

    And some docs just found it easier to lie. No pesky patient families, totally frightened patients that you had an EXCUSE to not touch, and if someone died because you did something stupid, just blame DA COOF et voila! Your mistake is buried because everyone is afraid to touch the corpse or question Da Narrative.

    …this is an oversimplification and there’s a lot more going on and a spectrum of medical compliance, but a critical mass of the medical world went along because the government both bribed and threatened them instead of doing the right thing, which was and is SCIENTIFICALLY QUESTIONING IT ALL.

    Its hard to forgive them too because THEY ARE STILL DOING IT, they are the slowest to relax and STILL push lethal vaxxines that THEY KNOW ARE NOT SAFE, EFFECTIVE, OR EVEN VACCINES, so the disgust can only build.

    At this point, they probably HAVE to.

    They went all-in on this, and one thing you NEVER say in medicine is “sorry”.

    …because a lawyer WILL use it as an admission of wrongdoing in your malpractice suit.

    So here we are, and no one can back down.

    ..makes me wonder where this goes when the Chinese release the NEXT of Fachi’s seven vials, and the next one is ACTUALLY lethal…

  5. The reason chiropractors are not affected is they are not part of healthcare conglomerates that have not been blackmailed into regurgitating the company line.

  6. Chiropractic is a con game. You can get better treatment from a physical therapist. As to your medical doctor being replaced, hardly. I challenge any claim by chiropractors, by the way, the founder of the “science” was a shoe salesman.

  7. Adjustments were the only way to stop my back pain, which was caused by my cervical stenosis (neck), not lower spine. Almost immediate relief.
    I’ve since learned chiro exercises that work as well as an adjustment.
    Palmer technique is the best.

  8. Get you a Doctor of Osteopathy. A “D.O.”

    They are doctors that will align your spine and whatever else a Chiro does for you – PLUS – they can prescribe medications if needed.

    Woodman, It is much like acupuncture in the way they are treating your body’s misalignments that cascade into other problems because you’ve been limping or favoring muscles you don’t want to hurt and thus causing many more problems just because you are out of alignment somewhere – mostly your spine.

    So, yes. they are more of a holistic doctor compared to a plain M.D. that doesn’t know how to do that and may refer you to a D.O. for work like this.

    See a D.O. and you have both worlds at once.

    Dear old Dad was a D.O.

    Re-aligning my spine was something I learned @ 14 y.o., and it came in most important to me for playing sports. Every workout started with the popping of my spine getting back in line after a full day of sitting in classes.

    I can pop necks safely, too. But you have to be relaxed and trust me. Had a SiL that never trusted anyone. Never even got past the first stage with her. Her loss.

  9. David7134,

    Physio works too, but it costs a hell of a lot more than Chiro up here.

    When i separated my shoulder the Doc & Physio said 3-4 weeks off & 2 to 3 months Physio. My Ex Girlfriend was a Nurse & recommended them.

    She went Ape Shit when she found out I had gone to The chiro and was back at work (Rooftop HVAC) 3 Days latter.
    That was 25 years ago & the separated shoulder is better that the other one.

  10. In the past two decades to present, this is the single most reason why numerous chiropractors and holistic practitioners have been murdered or “suicided”, banned, censored, and cancelled by big pharma’s kyllers. Add the fact that big pharma and collaborators have grabbed and adulterated many chiropractors’ remedies and then falsely laid claim to those remedies and solutions as their own.

  11. I agree. I had TB, MS, metastatic cancer and heart disease. I am now disease free and I credit my chiropractor. Or maybe it was the ground unicorn horn.

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