COVID: Everybody will be infected; no exceptions; stop pretending otherwise – IOTW Report

COVID: Everybody will be infected; no exceptions; stop pretending otherwise

Canada Free Press:

By Jon Rappoport 

I’ve spent the past two years proving SARS-CoV-2 doesn’t exist. It’s a total fiction.

Nevertheless, since most people believe in the virus with every fiber of their being, I enter their world and point out glaring inconsistencies and preposterous strategies for “containing the spread.”

Once again, in this article, I’ll visit the bizarre world of the virus. I’ll take the viewpoint of a person who earnestly believes in the existence of SARS-Cov-2. And I’ll show you a few of the walls such a person must ram into. Ready, get set, go: more

7 Comments on COVID: Everybody will be infected; no exceptions; stop pretending otherwise

  1. We had it before it was supposedly here, it started right after Christmas 2019. At the time we had it I said it was something different than I had ever had before and must be some new bug the illegals had brought with them.
    So since the beginning I knew it was all bs, we had it, we didn’t die, we didn’t do anything but go sit out in the sun, took zinc, drank tons of orange juice and ate tons of oranges. Oranges because we craved them, zinc because we’ve always taken zinc for colds and flu, sun because when you’re sick sitting in the sunlight always makes you feel better for a little while.
    Within a short amount of time of people supposedly dying here, it became clear early on ventilators were killing them, doctors were figuring this out and sounding the alarm but were ignored and drowned out. Then of course it became pretty damn obvious they were fudging the numbers, then came the cares act that made the virus, ventilators and death very profitable for hospitals.
    I never in a million years though thought so many would fear dying so much they stopped living. I never in a million years thought people with such short attention spans would still be buying the bs past 6 months, much less still buying it.

    Without the death jab they probably wouldn’t be, but the death jab is spreading different shit imho and causing those who have gotten it to become sick and probably hundreds of thousands to die. It’s almost like the virus was created for the death jab.


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