COVID expert Deborah Birx says she ‘knew’ vaccines ‘were not going to protect against infection’ – IOTW Report

COVID expert Deborah Birx says she ‘knew’ vaccines ‘were not going to protect against infection’

JTN: A former high-ranking federal COVID-19 adviser admitted this week that she “knew” the coronavirus vaccines “were not going to protect against infection,” a stunning declaration that comes roughly 18 months after the shots were first rolled out to the general public. 

Dr. Deborah Birx, an infectious disease expert and a regular presence at the Trump White House during the early days of the COVID-19 crisis, made the admission during an interview with Fox News’s Neil Cavuto on Friday. 

Asked by Cavuto why Americans should wish to get vaccinated if they see the number of individuals getting COVID even after getting the shot, Birx conceded: “I knew these vaccines were not going to protect against infection and I think we overplayed the vaccines.”

Birx suggested that overstatements made about the vaccines “made people then worry that it’s not going to protect against severe disease and hospitalization.”

“It will,” she argued, urging Americans also to consider taking the antiviral Paxlovid. 

Birx’s astonishing statement comes many months after multiple high-ranking federal officials indicated that getting the vaccine would indeed prevent the patient from both getting and spreading the virus. 

President Joe Biden last year claimed that “you’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations,” while CDC Director Rochelle Walensky made a similar claim last April. more

23 Comments on COVID expert Deborah Birx says she ‘knew’ vaccines ‘were not going to protect against infection’

  1. “Fuck every last one of you who came on here and trolled about how great they are and wished death on those who didn’t take them.”

    What were their names again MJA?


  2. The libs also continue to warp our language.

    This should never have been classified as a vaccine, especially as they knew it didn’t work like a vaccine. They may not have known of all the deadly side effects because of the rush the world was in to get “something” to help stop this pandemic. I grudgingly give the scientists that.

    I do not forgive them for changing the very meaning of vaccine. This should always have been labeled as a shot.

    Vaccine = prevention ie: measles, chicken pox, etc.
    Flu shot = we hope if you get the flu it will be milder

  3. You evil fucking bitch. You deserve a spot in hell right next to Fauci when you die. Which will probably happen sooner rather than later, under mysterious circumstances, and your role in all of this will be swept under the rug and forgotten about by The Powers That Be.

  4. Again if people would have just did a little bit of research, hell I know many of them that I sent it to them and they still took the shots. mRna never worked for anything they tried it on, it always killed everything.

    Besides all of that people should have enough sense to know flu shots have never worked, so why would this one? How many times do people have to hear, “we guessed wrong” to figure that out? Yet people will say they’ve taken it every year for years and haven’t gotten the flu, well there are many of us who have never taken it and went for years without catching the flu as well.

    I still find it hard to feel sorry for people who took it.

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  6. “Time has proven me correct,” he said. “I only kept Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx on because they worked for the U.S. government for so long — they are like a bad habit!”

    Well, you had many opportunities to fire them and you didn’t Trump. Birx knows the hitch is up with her and Fauci and they’re covering their butts. It’s all being rolled out to discredit Trump and blame him for the disaster. Doesn’t matter what happens know, the boulder has left the mountain top. DeSantis saved his butt early on and has become the hero in his State. Not so much for Trump.

  7. Goldenfoxx, some of us have said that since warp speed that when people start dying, the media, the demoncrats and the never Trumpers would blame Trump. Trump went stupid when Covid hit, whether it’s because he’s a germophobe or was just outplayed, he went stupid. He didn’t shut anyone down, but he let Birx and Fauci go out and tell states they needed to shut down. When Kemp, who I don’t like opened his state back up, he attacked him. Then the damn shots he kept pushing.
    People have forgotten that Desantis shut his state down as well, I believe South Dakota is the only state who never shut down. Desantis’ saving grace is that when he figured out they were being played, he went on attack.


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