Covid injections are triggering a spike in positive HIV tests – IOTW Report

Covid injections are triggering a spike in positive HIV tests

Multiple studies have found that people are testing positive for HIV after being vaccinated with Covid mRNA shots, a leading expert has warned.

Renowned cardiologist and epidemiologist Dr. Peter McCullough has begun raising the alarm about the findings.

During a recent interview, McCullough warned that nine studies so far have also concluded that Covid injections are triggering a spike in positive HIV tests.

McCullough clarified that the shots are not giving people HIV or AIDS, indicating a false positive. more

18 Comments on Covid injections are triggering a spike in positive HIV tests

  1. Healthline:

    “No, Vaccine-Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (VAIDS) Is Not a Real Condition”


    “VAIDS’ is not a real vaccine-induced syndrome, experts say; no evidence COVID-19 vaccines cause immunodeficiency”

    USA Today:

    “No, Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine doesn’t cause ‘VAIDS.’ That’s not a real condition | Fact check”


    “Myth emerged about a syndrome called Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (VAIDS).”

    Nothing to see here, move along, sheep. It’s all a myth, urban legend, conspiracy theory and stuff.

    /sarc off

  2. if, as is claimed, a positive test in the vaxxed for HIV is ‘fake’, how will they distinguish such a test from a positive test from someone who really does have HIV?
    guess there is no longer any security in our blood supply
    many such cases

  3. Getting tired of being around people. Everywhere I go, covidiots wanna debate the awesome, scientifically proven benefits of the suicide jab. They’re orgasmic about what a great president Biden is turning out to be. The social strains among family, friends, and neighbors is getting to be too much. Does anyone know of a reputable hermit hideout in the Pacific Northwest? High altitude, tall trees, empty trails, lottery tickets, and well stocked lakes close to a liquor store and steak house is a plus.


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