Covid injections discontinued in Iceland – IOTW Report

Covid injections discontinued in Iceland

Exposé: In early October, a conference titled ‘Let the Science Speak ‘ was held in Reykjavik, Iceland.  Speakers at the conference talked about covid injection harms and the World Health Organisation’s power grab. Sasha Latypova was one of the six speakers at the event.  You watch a video of the event HERE.

Six weeks later, the organisers of the conference informed Latypova that the Icelandic government announced that from next week covid injections would no longer be available in Iceland. more

7 Comments on Covid injections discontinued in Iceland

  1. “Covid injections”

    …unintentionally accurate.

    The only people worried about Coof are people who have had the FakeVaxxx.

    Almost like they WERE injecting Covid.

    …and cancer, and clots, and miscarriages, and sterility; and most of all, Communism.

    It was never about any virus.

    It was only about control and population reduction.

    …and it still is.

  2. Fauci and Biden will withhold money from Iceland, I’m sure we are giving them something, we give everyone money, until they bring back the vax.

    That little fucker Fauci isn’t going to stand for not making his millions.


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