COVID Politics Takes a Dark Turn, Biden Administration Takes Control of Monoclonal Antibody Drugs in Order to Block Treatments in Red States and Ration Equitable Treatment – IOTW Report

COVID Politics Takes a Dark Turn, Biden Administration Takes Control of Monoclonal Antibody Drugs in Order to Block Treatments in Red States and Ration Equitable Treatment

CTH: When Joe Biden’s Health and Human Services made the announcement earlier this month (LINK) that they were taking full control over Monoclonal Antibody drugs (mAb) in order to begin rationing the highly effective treatment for COVID-19 infection, several people sounded alarm bells as there was the potential for rationing of COVID treatment based on political ideology.   Representative Chip Roy of Texas was one of the first to raise concerns (link).

The change in HHS approach followed republican governor Ron DeSantis of Florida promoting the use of mAb and opening up dozens of treatment centers throughout his state.   Other governors quickly took notice of the effective action plan of DeSantis in Florida and started to follow that path.

As soon as HHS noticed the red state governors were working on a effective treatment alternative to the vaccine approach, HHS appears to have moved in to block it – thereby restricting the treatment pathway in order to enhance the vaccine approach. [HHS Announcement]  Note the alarm word “equitable“: more

h/t Brad.

25 Comments on COVID Politics Takes a Dark Turn, Biden Administration Takes Control of Monoclonal Antibody Drugs in Order to Block Treatments in Red States and Ration Equitable Treatment

  1. why does iOTW not post some of my statements & allow other statements?
    anyone else having this problem? been going on for a couple of weeks now

    & no, it’s not because I need to clean out my history or cache’, it happens before, after & during other comments

    am I being too ‘potty mouthed’? too many posts in a row? … just curious

    It seems to be links that are censored. Profanity doesn’t seem to be an issue.

    I ordered Ziverdo kits and hydroxychloroquine from India, there are plenty of suppliers. It took about 3 weeks.

  3. I bought injectable ivermectin (500 mL) for 88$ before Ivermectin became more widely known. It expires in 2 years. I take 1 tsp. Every two weeks. I filled 10 2 oz amber vials and keep it in a cool dark place away from heat and light. I keep one vial in the fridge. If you get the coof, take one dose every other day according to your weight. Stay away from the sheep drench. Also, Ivermectin is the most effective treatment I know of for head lice.

  4. @Brad ~ Indeed! they’re hoping for it!

    an ‘insurrection’ is absolutely what they want. they can declare martial law that way. that’s what they are hoping for.

    civil disobedience, in the form of non-compliance, is what they fear the most.
    living your lives, going about your business in a normal fashion, is what they cannot have. they need the chaos to administer lock-downs

    don’t give it to them

  5. Someone explain to me why the Governors shouldn’t just nullify Biden’s control of these drugs – as in nullification of a president’s edicts, as it were.

    Seriously. If I were Governor DeSantis, I’d be deputizing tens of thousands of Floridians and preparing to arrest ANY Federal personnel who interfere with Florida’s COVID treatment policies in any way.

  6. Per Ann’s research, the proper oral dosage of 1% injectable is 1 milliliter per 110 lbs of body weight, once per month. If you get covid, 3 doses 48 hours apart. By the way, DO NOT store injectable Ivermectin in the refrigerator, but in a cool dark place.

  7. Maybe Lindsey Graham can look into this. or Trey Gowdy, Oh wait, he bugged out for a fat paycheck.
    Maybe Mitch McConnelll, nah, he’s too busy making sure Chinese shipping companies get $$.
    or Mitt Romney? We need Pierre Delecto on this case.

    The republicans are such useless puds.

  8. This can’t be legal.
    It certainly isn’t ethical. Lol. Like swamp rats care about ethics.
    Follow the money and power.
    Biden’s puppet masters will not tolerate individual thinking or states rights.

  9. Agree, Brad. It’s not like they have to play politics, even dirty politics, to win elections anymore. They’re just being sadistic and poking us with pointy sticks through the cage bars.

    BTW, did you see that video where the Great White shark busted into the diver’s cage, and then busted out the top? Damned diver was lucky to survive. I wonder if the door wasn’t latched properly, or the cage was just too weak for the job. Something for the Elites to think about as they sharpen their sticks.

  10. Let’s keep in mind that these are the same people who turned their back on thousands of Americans in Afghanistan, the same people who turned their back on the entire country by aiding the so-called “Tolibahn” and the same people who turned their back on the voter with wholesale fraud. The bottom line is they don’t give a SHIT about your health!

  11. They can’t afford to have somebody come up with a solution to you getting sick or dead.
    To them, masses of people getting sick and dying is the solution not the problem.
    Hitler would approve. Needle Nazis they are.

  12. Let’s do some analysis. The Covid vaccine may very well kill you and/or make you sterile. Employed people are mandated to get the jab. Employed people are predominately white. Illegal aliens and unemployed people are not required to get the jab. Illegals and unemployed are predominately people of color.
    Hmmm. I think I understand now.

  13. 1 quarter teaspoon is twice the recommended dose (not 1 teaspoon)
    IF you buy the injectable ivermectin you have to go to the pharmacy and get some diabetes syringes to get it out of the bottle. A pack of 6 costs 3 bucks.

    It is a waste to take it unless you have some cold symptom.

    Look at the graphs showing India’s daily new cases and deaths. Notice the sudden change in the direction of the trends from “spiking up” to “spiking down” in early May. Most of India enacted the Ivermectin preventive and treatment protocols in April, when they had no other choice since they couldn’t make or afford the jabs for all 1.3 trillion of their population. Now, at least one region is reporting ZERO cases now, while the one state that didn’t use Ivermectin is the source of almost all the cases and deaths for the entire country.—part-ii-eric-clapton-s-human-rights-warning/article_284902bc-14be-11ec-8d43-43e98275cff8.html


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