COVID Relief Bill Included $600 for Americans and $10 Million for Pakistani Gender Programs – IOTW Report

COVID Relief Bill Included $600 for Americans and $10 Million for Pakistani Gender Programs

Dan Bongino-

After our government destroyed the economy, crippled small businesses, trapped people in their homes, and impoverished the country as part of their ineffective attempts to fight the coronavirus, they decided to make it up to the American people by giving them $600 of their own money back. The 5,593-page document that members of Congress were only given hours to read also provided an extra 11 weeks of unemployment insurance along with a supplemental $300 per week.

In the House, the COVID relief bill and a $1.4 trillion spending bill to fund the government were voted on separately, but in the Senate, those bills were combined. read more

24 Comments on COVID Relief Bill Included $600 for Americans and $10 Million for Pakistani Gender Programs

  1. This was just a diversion from the election fraud. They want us to be furious and take the heat of their criminality.

    If they can get it passed, all the better for them.

    President Trump needs to veto this monstrosity and send it back to congress to make it totally their doing.

  2. What? No money this time to continue teaching africans to wash their genitals?
    If they’ve already learned, then that was Congressional money well spent (and OKd by W, btw).

  3. If Trump signs this I’m pretty much giving up on this. We were 16 trillion in debt when Obama took over now we are headed to 30 trillion. And they said this is just the beginning, more to come when Biden is installed.

  4. It costs a lot of money to keep those Pakistani genders from being problematical!

    So, who’s going to stop us from printing unlimited money, huh?

    Three guesses and the first two don’t count.

  5. Liberals are up against the wall, they have little, if anything, from which to take a stand….therefore….their ridiculous, absurd, idiotic and stupid accusations are to be their calling card as a way to deflect because they are unable to defend their own BULLSHIT.

    They KNOW it’s irrational but they also KNOW it keeps us busy trying to explain away their baseless BULLSHIT.

    They have no where else to go. Their hope is to shake us loose with the absurdness of their CRAP against our mantra of what we consider reasonable and normal behavior.

    It’s no different than a 7 year old swearing he didn’t eat the cake while having cake crumbs and frosting all over his face.

  6. Yeah, well I just cut the Bongino show off my listen list and the post list. This will be the last article from his site. No variety, etc.
    Bongino thinks Biden is going to be ‘president’ and he already threw his hands up. Of course, he keeps telling people he hasn’t given up, but his emails from listeners say he clearly did. lol. He’s been jawing about Barr for 2 weeks, saying he’s not a completely horrible AG, but yet he keeps bringing up the spygate stuff and how there’s been no arrests and…at the fbi… hmm…
    and barely touching on any election news. Odd.
    I guess it’s about his interest to sell his latest book? I dunno, but THAT (The spygate stuff), Dan hasn’t given up on. Even though, clearly, THAT’S over with. lol

    I guess I just got bored with the broken record non-stop FBI this and that when there’s other pressing shit going on. Good luck with the health and all and maybe I’ll see ya another time.

    As for now…Yawn and Snip snip.

  7. I hope he read the bill so that something in it doesn’t bite him on the ass, whether he signs it or not. Shit, there could be something in there that sells his grandkids to Somalia. Wouldn’t put it passed these fuckers.

  8. Morning news, universal copy, trump threatening last minute veto of 900 mil COVId bill, payments could be going out in days.
    Cal anyone write that stuff and not know how much they are twisting the truth?


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