Covington Student Nicholas Sandmann and Family Hire Attorney to Sue Media for Libel – IOTW Report

Covington Student Nicholas Sandmann and Family Hire Attorney to Sue Media for Libel

Breitbart: In a major warning to purveyors of fake news, Covington Catholic High School student Nicholas Sandmann and his family have hired a high-powered attorney who specializes in suing the media for libel and slander.

The Sandmann family have hired RunSwitch PR, Kentucky’s largest public relations firm, to help them deal with media appearances, but the family has also now hired aggressive Georgia attorney, L. Lin Wood, WCPO-TV reported.

The Sandmann family attorney, Todd McMurtry, noted that Wood is “committed to bringing justice to 16-year-old Nick Sandmann and his family.”  more

8 Comments on Covington Student Nicholas Sandmann and Family Hire Attorney to Sue Media for Libel

  1. I hope this is the first of many lawsuits the media will endure. They need to be sued out of existence. Then, CRTV, America One News Network, Breitbart, et al would be able to buy what’s left of their premises for $1 and overhaul news casting in this country.

  2. Nothing more American that suing the tar out of those who truly deserve it. Let the media’s supporters goFundme themselves into the DC soup lines.

    GoFundMe. That’s funny. Two letters different and you’ve got what it should be.


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