Crack, strippers, and lucrative Chicom crony capitalist deals: Hunter Biden is a walking security risk – IOTW Report

Crack, strippers, and lucrative Chicom crony capitalist deals: Hunter Biden is a walking security risk

American Thinker:

A lot of people think that Democratic frontrunner Joe Biden shouldn’t be judged by the actions of his wayward son, Hunter Biden.

Biden, after all, was drummed out of the Navy for cocaine use, made a lot of questionable overseas business deals when his father was vice president, and most recently was found to have fathered an out of wedlock child in Arkansas while dating his deceased brother’s wife.

Irrelevant to Joe, Joe’s on the up and up. Pay no attention to the evidence of some very skeezy parenting skills and weird family values. After all, every family as a black sheep, right?

But the evidence is really piling up that this guy’s disgusting, a potential threat to the republic actually, should Joe eventually find himself in the White House.

First, the grossout personal stuff from the on-the-job New York Post:Hunter Biden was suspected of smoking crack inside a strip club where he dropped “thousands of dollars” during multiple visits — at the same time he held a seat on the board of a controversial Ukrainian natural gas company, The Post has learned.

The incident, which took place at Archibald’s Gentlemen’s Club in Washington, DC, late last year, represents the most recent alleged drug use by Biden, 49, who has acknowledged six stints in rehab for alcoholism and addiction that included a crack binge in 2016.

Workers at Archibald’s, located about three blocks north of the White House, said Biden was a regular there, with two bartenders and a security worker all instantly recognizing his photo and one worker identifying him by name.

  The report notes that he was a sneaky bastard, paying for his strip club-crack pipe outings with a credit card that didn’t have his name on it, something the club doesn’t allow, but something that somehow he got an exception on. Would like to know the story of that one. He gets a lot of exceptions.

The disgustingness extends though, with the Post obviously knowing where to go to get news: MORE

15 Comments on Crack, strippers, and lucrative Chicom crony capitalist deals: Hunter Biden is a walking security risk

  1. All strippers should make the same amount of money as the doorman and the dj and the janitor. The janitor is just as important as the hot 20 year olds with perfect bodies.

  2. I used to strip when I was younger. I had platform moccasins and that buffalo hide just came right off. I used to swing around my buffalo hide and toss it onto a lucky fella. I used my tip money to buy firewater.

  3. Ordinarily I would agree that a parent shouldn’t necessarily be judged by their offspring, however, in the case of the Bidens, Hunter was the creation of Joe. His whole life, he had doors opened to him, been given cover, and had his poor choices erased by good old dad. Not to mention Joe was a willing participant in all of Hunter’s corrupt dealings. You can’t separate the two.


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