Cracks in the ‘COVID military-industrial complex’ are showing. Now is the time to resist – IOTW Report

Cracks in the ‘COVID military-industrial complex’ are showing. Now is the time to resist

Dr. Joseph Mercola | LifeSiteNews:

The global COVID response has been nothing short of disastrous, and following the same playbook once more is pure insanity.

  • We have a long list of challenges facing us at the moment. There’s the global economic crisis, the European energy crisis, runaway inflation, and the threat of escalating war, just to name a few. On top of all of that, the “COVID industry” is gearing up for another round of “biosecurity” tyranny.
  • The global response has been nothing short of disastrous, and following the same playbook once more is pure insanity. There’s only one reason to return to strategies proven harmful, and that is because the harmful outcomes are actually desired. MORE

6 Comments on Cracks in the ‘COVID military-industrial complex’ are showing. Now is the time to resist

  1. I feel like a Floridian right after a bad hurricane (and the democrat and GOPe parties was the hurricane): we lost so much, and we have so much cleaning up to do. The only difference is that democrats and GOPe treaonous cocksuckers are 100 percent preventable.


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