Crazed North Dakota Man Runs Over and Kills Teen For “Extremist” Republican Views – IOTW Report

Crazed North Dakota Man Runs Over and Kills Teen For “Extremist” Republican Views


On Sunday evening, 18-year-old Cayler Ellingson was struck and killed by a vehicle driven by 41-year-old Shannon Brandt in a alleged politically motivated killing in North Dakota.

The teen was attending a street dance in McHenry, North Dakota.

Brandt called 911 after fleeing the accident, telling the dispatcher that Ellingson was part of a “Republican extremist group.”

The rhetoric coming from the Democrats, DHS, FBI and the DOJ, and then amplified by Big Tech, has deadly consequences.
more here.
h/t Brad.

19 Comments on Crazed North Dakota Man Runs Over and Kills Teen For “Extremist” Republican Views

  1. First I was a “saltine american” then a deplorable american, now I am an extremist American who while registered as an independent votes for Republicans.

    Go figure. That’s why I started owning the pronoun of “obsolete American.

  2. Directly the fault of Brandon and the false media perpetrating this nonsense.

    This should be sue-able in court. He would not have thought like this if Brandon had not given his fascist Hitler speech.

    CW II is coming if they don’t stop this nonsense.

    One must defend themselves when it comes down to it.

    If only the Jews had a pistol or two when the raids started.

    Don’t give up your guns. Remember, the 2-A doesn’t GIVE you permission. It recognizes your God-given right to self defense with arms. It’s a restriction on the Government.

    “The beauty of the Second Amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it.”

  3. This bastard should be executed by using the exact car he killed that young man with to slowly crush his body against the wall using the power of the engine.
    He needs to see and feel himself die.

  4. Civil War is getting closer and closer to the tipping point, and I hope y;all have been paying attention to what’s going on in YOUR neighborhoods. Like who’s buying guns and ammo, and who’s stockpiling food and supplies.

    And always CARRY CONCEALED…permit or not it may just save your life, but you need to be trained. And always be aware of your sourndings…Not just your effin phone!

  5. ^^^^ If you are an elderly IOTW Reports reader and have Trump/Conservative bumper sticker or lawn signs, etc, take them off or down. Now. The light charges for this guy will encourage more. The worm will turn. Stay safe.

  6. Mr Brandt should be stalked and executed. No other word for it. Be made an example of. There is now a two tier (in)justice system in America. Time to develop a vigilante mindset (but don’t get caught).

  7. I’ve been paying attention to my county and this part of my state for years now. I know who the majority of the enemies are they can’t help themselves they feel so important so they put everything on social media.

    If I’m gone by then, I’ve left the list easy to find for my kids on my computer and a hard copy.


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