Creator of Russia’s Sputnik Covid vaccine strangled to death with belt in Moscow apartment – IOTW Report

Creator of Russia’s Sputnik Covid vaccine strangled to death with belt in Moscow apartment

Sun: Andrey Botikov, 48, a top Russian scientist who developed the Sputnik V vaccine, was reportedly murdered with a belt during an altercation with an intruder in his home.

His body was found at his home in Moscow on Thursday, Russian media reported.

He had strangulation marks on his neck, as well as stab wounds and abrasions on his body, according to reports.

The Investigative Committee of Russia (ICR) has now opened a murder investigation into the death.

A 29-year-old man has been arrested and charged with killing the leading virologist during a row over money.

Russian media has identified the suspect as “Alexei Z,” and described him as a former convict who spent 10 years in prison on charges of providing sexual services.

In a statement, the ICR didn’t name Botikov, but said investigators had identified and located a suspect “in the shortest possible time”. more

8 Comments on Creator of Russia’s Sputnik Covid vaccine strangled to death with belt in Moscow apartment

  1. Business as usual in the USSR…
    Offhand I’d say he fared better than if he had insider
    knowlege of Jeffery Epstein’s operation, Hillary Clinton or a certain laptop!

  2. He didn’t want to pay his faggot whore.
    That’s what got Paul Pelosi hammered.

    “… the laborer is worthy of his wages …”

    A guy I worked with wouldn’t do any plumbing for lawyers – they NEVER paid.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Wow! Paul Pelosi got lucky this time around! Cops could have found him strangled and hammered to death over sex. No wonder Nancy had their house exorcised. The virologist won’t be killing anyone now, he got laid, and he paid.


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