Creepy Alert! PJW takes on Joe Biden – IOTW Report

Creepy Alert! PJW takes on Joe Biden

Patriot Retort: 

Paul Joseph Watson just dropped another video. This time about Creepy Uncle Joe Biden.

But you should be prepared.

Because you’ll want to shower when it’s over.

18 Comments on Creepy Alert! PJW takes on Joe Biden

  1. We may have just found the Almighty Chief of The Pizza Party Movement !
    He has such a problem with young Girls, that He’s asking if they remember what he said to them Last Year. Joe then checks the Little Boobs to see how they’ve developed over the Year , He’s keeping mental notes on each one… Joe has a Major Sickness !!!

  2. Is he one of those guys that smokes, then pops a Sucrets?
    And drinks bourbon?
    And wears Old Spice to boot?
    Can you imagine the stench coming off Completely Normal Joey B as he sticks his face in those poor girls’ faces?

  3. I watched this last night and it literally turned my stomach. Don’t let him get in the race Democrats. Threaten to run political ads featuring these creepy moments if that’s what it takes to get Biden to stay out.

  4. What?

    Y’all don get it does ya? Trump gon put y’all back in chains! So I like girls?
    Since when is there sumthin rong widdat? All normal, healthy, vital, lusty, manly guys like girls! And they like me! The l’il vixens are always luring me on.
    Them young ones …. man .. their so cute ya just gotta touch em ……. ya know what I maean? Doncha?

  5. What I don’t understand is why the parents stand there and allow this. Jeff Sessions managed to keep Biden away from his little granddaughter, but these parents stand there and sacrifice there daughters.

  6. all the political class, state run media, and entertainment industry sexual pervert allegations bring on a whole new meaning of the DemonRat’s slogan, “it’s for the children”

  7. @oolook,
    it’s blatantly clear. Their political ambitions come before all other considerations.

    There are many people who in no way deserve their precious innocent children.
    God sees all, including that.

  8. oolook. I remember that clip where Jeff Sessions whisked his granddaughter away from Biden and brushed by him without even glancing at him. Apparently Sessions was familiar with Biden’s antics.

  9. @oolook,
    Chinks used to deliver their daughters to Mao for as long as he “required” them (usually until they started puberty) and all of Stalin’s staff “allowed” Beria to seduce (fuck) their wives and daughters. It seems to be a way to gain favor from powerful individuals – look at the hundreds of children prostituted to Hollyweird moguls!
    So, some Demonrat, who would ordinarily kill its kid prior to birth, gets a promotion or job opportunity by letting Biden (or some other perverted pol) cop a feel from his daughter (or son)? What harm can there be in that? Under socialism, everyone is expendable – EVERYONE.

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. The polls show that Biden would beat Trump? What polls are they, the ones of the parents who just stood there as Biden fondled their daughters?

    And I think there are many other reasons that Trump should beat Biden, or any other Democrat, in 2020.

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