Creepy Illinois Dem. Mel Reynolds is leaving America – IOTW Report

Creepy Illinois Dem. Mel Reynolds is leaving America

DMF: If you were to tell the former congressman “Go Back To Africa” you’d be racist. But not to worry, he’s going back to Africa. There is just one small detail. He can’t go till his jail term is over. Mel Reynolds is leaving because America is too racist and the justice system keeps convicting the democrat of crimes he has committed. The honorable Mr. Reynolds was convicted Thursday for tax evasion and sentenced to 6 months in prison.

Reynolds was once a US House Representative from Illinois in the early 1990’s, but had to resign after he was busted and subsequently convicted on 12 counts of sexual assault, obstruction of justice and solicitation of child pornography for a sexual relationship he had with an underage campaign worker. Before the ink was even dry on the judge’s order, Reynolds was also convicted on a variety of bank and wire fraud charges. Reynolds should have spent 11 years in prison, but luckily for him, then-President Bill Clinton who is sympathetic to both rape and fraud, commuted his sentence.

You’d think he would have learned his lesson and straightened up but he was again arrested on tax evasion charges. And yes, this sentence is racist according to the disgraced democrat. He even argued with the judge over the relatively short prison term he received:


23 Comments on Creepy Illinois Dem. Mel Reynolds is leaving America

  1. “Reynolds should have spent 11 years in prison, but luckily for him, then-President Bill Clinton who is sympathetic to both rape and fraud, commuted his sentence.
    You’d think he would have learned his lesson and straightened up but he was again arrested on tax evasion charges.”

  2. In a couple of years, President Trump will successfully extract Mel from some 3W shit-hole prison, and Mel will be a total ingrate dick about it. When he gets safely back to America.

  3. Good for him!
    You go, bo … uhh … guy!

    Tax evasion, child-rape, obstruction of “justice,” and sexual assault aren’t illegal in Africa! Kind of a Paradise for immoral, amoral, lying ex-Congressmen (and assorted grifters) from Illinois! He could take Obola, Blagojevich, the big dude with the funny hair (that turned out to be a wig-hat), Emanuel, Jarrett, Axelrod, and a host of others.


    izlamo delenda est …

  4. I have known alley cats with more scruples than this POS. Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out Reynolds.
    Reynolds, Maybe you can float to Africa on that big ass race card you so conveniently carry in your shirt pocket.


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