Creepy Joe Biden- “A nude old water snake” – IOTW Report

Creepy Joe Biden- “A nude old water snake”

Richard Armande Mills (RAM) ( @ramrants) was on to this “Joe Biden is a creep” thing before ANYBODY.

14 Comments on Creepy Joe Biden- “A nude old water snake”

  1. Ann Barnhardt has coined this personality type “diabolical narcissist”. They get off by displaying their perversions in full view. Joe is one sick bastard.

  2. Charlie, His wife was hit by a tractor trailer when she pulled out of her driveway. She was at fault…….just a mistake in vision or judgement. BUT….Joe and his piece of shit son Beau, always point out that the trucker was drunk and it was his fault. Delaware State Police said then and they said many times, as recently as two years ago, “There was no alcohol involved”. Joe and Beau both built their political careers on the victim-hood of wife and mother getting killed by a drunk driver. Sick fucks all the way through.

  3. I saw Ash Carter’s wife is more mortified that she is being viewed as a grope-ee than the actual grope. Her story about the discomfort she felt was due to an earlier fall on the ice rather than because Creepy guy is all over her back is lame enough but especially so given all the video footage of him doing it to soooo many females. Why would she defend him at this point.

  4. Mark S. McGrew,
    I heard that Joey nickered the brakes on her car.
    Course, that was just a rumor going around Capitol Hill (lower levels, I might add – Sub Basement and below).
    Probably isn’t true … probably …

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. The Left is disgusting…Joe, they are now spinning, is just affectionate….that’s all. They are missing some genes and are sub human. They are not self aware, lack real empathy, cannot comprehend reality and construct one that helps hide their lack of civilized mental capacity…they are evil.

  6. Tim ~
    Anyone that’s capable of using the death of their wife as a political tool is certainly capable of ‘nickering’ Said wife’s brakes…probably.


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