‘Creepy Porn Lawyer’ Whose ‘Eyes Are Too Close Together’ – IOTW Report

‘Creepy Porn Lawyer’ Whose ‘Eyes Are Too Close Together’


Daily Caller: Fox News host Tucker Carlson poked fun at Stormy Daniels’ lawyer Michael Avenatti Thursday.

The Daily Caller co-founder described him as a “creepy porn lawyer” and said his “eyes are too close together.”

“So here’s a political rule of thumb,” Carlson said. “If the creepy porn lawyer is ‘the savior of the Republic’ in your view, you’re probably not trying very hard to appeal to Middle America, and Democrats are not. In fact, in the last year and a half, the Democratic Party has doubled down on every behavior that got Trump elected in the first place.”

16 Comments on ‘Creepy Porn Lawyer’ Whose ‘Eyes Are Too Close Together’

  1. Not sure about the proximity of the guys eyes. I look but maybe NOT that close enough!

    Listening to Rushbo a guy from Louisiana called today and said that money maker Stormy actually ran, albeit briefly, for office in LA against Vitter as a ‘Dem political operative’.

    Yoda may could have said…’Yes…Deep it Runs…the Dark Side’.

    Avenatti? Who said ‘it ain’t over til it’s over’? IOW his time is coming watch.

    The other YOGI said it best.

    Apologies for the Fredo and Slick Willie quick appearances.


    He only passed away a couple of years ago and my troops did a pilgrimage to his museum in Jerrrrzee. BOTH a Met and Yankee.

  2. His nuts are too close together as well, they chaff when he walks and it effects his judgment; and he represents a skin bag that has been poked so many times it looks puffy and not human.
    Give us a break.

  3. Ya know, if we actually had a press that did it’s job, every time that asshole Avenatti put his ugly mug in front of a microphone, they would ask him who is paying him. Over and over and over.

  4. with the democrats every thing is sex. Trannys, wanna be trannys, kweers and lez, nambla, planned parenthood, Every single thing is about sex.

    and taxes.

  5. @Charlie WalksonWater May 12, 2018 at 12:01 am

    Charlie, I think you are 100% correct.

    I was a soldier once, and young. Sex was great then. Now, I’m sick of hearing about it, blasted at me from every direction.

    Some things need to be kept private. Now, it’s gone beyond sex to body functions like defecating in the street, called a human right by liberals.

    It is a foul and sick world.


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