Crime vs. Law & Order: Chicago Edition – IOTW Report

Crime vs. Law & Order: Chicago Edition

Patria with Steve Cortes

Far too many American streets descend into violence and criminal recklessness. The carnage is most alarming in large and historically mismanaged blue cities, but the calamity spreads into urban areas previously considered safe and into suburbs as well.

Looking at the numbers, the nationwide murder rate exploded during the lockdowns – but then increased yet again in 2021. Now, the pace of homicides shows no material 2022 downtick, “threatening to become the new baseline,” according to The Economist which details the “largest increase in over a century” for killings.

In Illinois the mayhem intensifies due to a feckless governor, a radical Chicago mayor, and a Soros-backed, corrupt Cook County prosecutor. This unholy trinity of criminal-coddling politicians – J.B. Pritzker, Lori Lightfoot, and Kim Foxx – creates a crisis for suffering citizens and demoralized police.

Consider the street-level consequences for Chicago. For example, in the pre-lockdown year of 2019, Chicago saw 490 murders. A terrible number, to be sure, but at that time an improvement over prior years and a seemingly reasonable number compared to last year. In 2021, the city endured a staggering 800 homicides, a ghastly 25 year record. more

13 Comments on Crime vs. Law & Order: Chicago Edition

  1. Anarchy and discord.
    Collapse of civil society.
    Rise of the Proletariat.
    Seizure of power by the Central Committee.
    Terrorize and Propagandize.
    Kill all “enemies of the revolution” (which means all who aren’t “us”).
    Establish an Oligarchy.
    Consolidate by extending terror and propaganda.
    Live like a Grand Vizier while the slaves (those NOT in the Oligarchy) toil in ignorance and filth.

    We’ve seen it (or read about it) all before – now we’re living through it.
    A story as old as Ur – and we’ve learned nothing.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. TRF SEPTEMBER 19, 2022 AT 8:54 AM
    It’s getting to the point where the University of Chicago will actually offer courses in “How to be a Mutherfkin Criminal”

    Prefer courses on surviving the commute to and from classes

  3. And Yet…. The stupid people of Illinois will vote Demoncrat every time.
    Chicago needs removed from the state and given their own autonomy. They can call it Chicago D.C. (District of Criminals).

  4. The fruit of allowing blacks a pass is ripe & getting picked now. No? Compare the crime stats of white rural areas to knee-grow shitholes and get back to me.

    While you’re at it, pull up some videos like I one I just watched of a bro pulling an axe out of his backpack & going savage in a NYC McDonalds only with white guys….I’ll wait.

  5. Isn’t it grand of the teacher’s unions to pour millions(literally) of these…whatever you fucking want to call them, into our country all propped & ready to take on the world.

    If this would have even begun to go down in the city I lived in in AR, there would have been a fucking adult beat down like you’ve never seen.

    Thanx TRF, very nice of you to say so.

  6. I happened to catch the season 10 trailer for “Chicago P.D.” last night waiting for the game and could only scoff at the unreality of a drama about law enforcement in a city without law enforcement.


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