Criminals Have Stolen Nearly $100 Billion In COVID Relief Funds – IOTW Report

Criminals Have Stolen Nearly $100 Billion In COVID Relief Funds

KEIB: The U.S. Secret Service is ramping up efforts to capture criminals that are targeting COVID relief funds. The agency said that fraudsters have stolen nearly $100 billion by targeting several initiatives, including the Paycheck Protection Program, the Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program, and federal and state unemployment insurance programs. MORE

24 Comments on Criminals Have Stolen Nearly $100 Billion In COVID Relief Funds

  1. Ooooh the Secret Service !

    Is that because the typical day for the FBI is spent on online porn?
    And perhaps the Secret Service can make an example of the Pantshitter in Chief. He certainly gets at least 10% of the take.

  2. Giving everyone in the nation two shots would cost around 25 billion. Normally we would say that fraud is a percentage of that. This is so upside down it is beyond belief! This amounts to a free for all,, wholesale looting of the Treasury! That it requires an investigation is preposterous. It should be obvious as Hell!!

  3. Anyone who didn’t see this coming is a complete fucking moron.
    THEFT was the whole point!

    And don’t kid yourself – every single penny can be traced – but won’t be.
    There are checks with signatures, receipts, bank statements, account transfers, &c.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Joe Hicks
    DECEMBER 22, 2021 AT 12:34 PM
    “On this chrismis ,we are going to distribute gifts online ,so open the given link for your gift”

    …I know the bot puts these everywhere, but it’s kind of ironic on a thread about scams…

  5. Arrested 100, recovered $3 Billon out of over $100 Billion, that mimics the FBI failed efforts in fighting crime and fraud when there is direct payment by the Government with documentation of who got the Money !!
    DOJ, Secret Service and the FBI are either incompetent, complicit or idiots. More than likely a mixture of all three.
    What about the Biden crime syndicate, Hunter Biden selling access, Hillary selling political favors, Bill and Hillary Haiti scam, the DNC and Hillary Russia gate lawless fiasco and so many more?
    Are the DOJ and the FBI Corrupt, complicit or just plain idiots?


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