Critics – “Trump should’ve handled it like McCain” – McCain LOST! – IOTW Report

Critics – “Trump should’ve handled it like McCain” – McCain LOST!

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13 Comments on Critics – “Trump should’ve handled it like McCain” – McCain LOST!

  1. This is a classic Alinsky maneuver. The moron at the Trump rally was undoubtedly a DNC plant. That explains the almost instantaneous and coordinated boilerplate response to the situation. It was just another shitty left wing political tactic. Like a BLM asshole placing a noose on his own door and then getting an entire college administration, composed of simpleton fuckheads, to bash white people for it.

  2. kissing ass has gotten us nowhere

    recall rush stating after first obama win that he “hopes he fails”, and the beating he took

    rush sure was right

    glad trump has broken out the ugly stick, no holds barred

  3. Trump should have a rally and tell the people that he’s going to let his supporters ask any questions they want. He’s not going to censor their questions this is a free country with free speech and thats what he should be telling the crowds and the MSM. Just tell that person that I’m not commenting. Then go to the next person.

  4. Sit back and watch.

    I’ll bet you 100 internets this BS doesn’t affect Trump’s polling in the slightest.

    LOL. Stupid liberals. Didn’t they see the polling? There is a SIGNIFICANT portion of the country that believes 0bama is muslim.

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