Crock Boy – IOTW Report

Crock Boy

clockmed and obama

American Thinker: Take the money and run. With the huge windfall enjoyed by the Mohamed family — of clock-bomb-arrest fame — in “Islamophobic” America, one might think that little clock-maker extraordinaire Ahmed would head to Switzerland for an internship with Rolex. Instead, news is his whole family is moving to Qatar after the boy accepted a scholarship from the Qatar Foundation for Education. Because, you know, if you’re interested in pushing back scientific frontiers, the Islamic world is where you go.

Now, Qatar is an interesting choice. Its official state religion is Wahhabi Islam — this is also the dominant faith in Saudi Arabia. And like Saudi Arabia, the nation’s main source of legislation is Sharia law (I’m sure Ahmed’s sisters will love it {and maybe they will}). It’s quite telling, however, that the Mohamed clan would choose such a place, although not surprising, really. With Ahmed’s father, Mohamed Elhassan Mohamed (talk about wearing out a name), being a Muslim activist who twice ran for the Sudan’s presidency, it wouldn’t be surprising if these people were “true believers.”

But what I really want to discuss are those other destructive true believers, in all things politically correct, who asserted that Crock Boy was Clock Boy and dubbed him an “inventor”. This brings us to the main point, something never quite articulated sufficiently.

Where’s the clock?

clock clock boy

7 Comments on Crock Boy

  1. Islam is content to stay in the 7th century, except when it comes to specific areas of chemistry (WMD), science (EMP) and electronics (IEDs.) Other than that, they’re good going without toilet paper and dressing wimmins in trash bags.

  2. ONE rich Gulf state, Qatar, gives asylum to ONE poor persecuted Clockmed refugee, while we in the USA are about to be dealing with 250,000 full grown Clockmed refugees, in addition to the millions who are already here. Sounds about like all the other deals we have made with the Moslems.

  3. Oh, what a nasty, nasty person you are! I was just wonderin’ the same thing. He’s probably already punked that kid. That’s probably why the adopted kids are girls. They knew obama would leave them alone.

  4. They aren’t exactly pushing back frontiers of science. But they are making progress in how to write contracts with French and Russian suppliers of nuclear tech.

    Most of the populace that isn’t operating weapons are flummoxed by a bumper jack. Sometimes the ones operating weapons manage to insert the magazine in the AK facing the right way.

    But every single one of them know how to throw rocks! They’re GOOD at that shit.

    And your overweight, pasty, PS playing 12 year old couldn’t hit the wall of his bedroom with a brick fragment.

    Think about it.

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