Crooked Hillary Is NOT Physically Or Mentally Fit To Be President – IOTW Report

Crooked Hillary Is NOT Physically Or Mentally Fit To Be President

Diamond and Silk have proof that Crooked Hill is not Physically or Mentally fit to be president. Being President is a 24 hour, 7 days a week job. Coming out for half of a day and going back into hiding for 2 weeks recovery won’t work.

18 Comments on Crooked Hillary Is NOT Physically Or Mentally Fit To Be President

  1. Hillary required to stand
    90 minutes tomorrow ought to be enough
    to accomplish the necessary goal……………

    FORGET “popcorn”!
    I’m going straight to whiskey.

  2. Things are so horrible under Obama’s administration diehard Democrats like
    Diamond and Silk have run screaming from the leftist plantation.
    They are very brave. It’s no small thing for a black person to become a Republican conservative. Their show is hilarious and informative, especially for low info dregs who don’t have a clue.
    There will be thousands of people like Diamond and Silk voting for Trump. So many are fed up with Democrat policies.

  3. I couldn’t get the video to play earlier.

    One of the clips showed her van collapse from her left side–previously I had only seen the clip by the Czech amateur videographer, which was shot from her right side.

    The left-side clip reveals some very peculiar head movements which aren’t obvious on the right-side clip.

    Conclusion: she did not pass out; she had a seizure.


  4. It saddens me that these two women are being seduced by the hateful GOP. And if trump becomes president, forbid it, he will turn them into slaves. Like he will all people of color. I am concerned for Diamond And Silk.

  5. TO Larry

    Oh, c’mon!
    Stop being a sheep following the DEM ESTABLISHMENT!

    Be a REAL “radical” today, Larry!
    Become a TRUMP SUPPORTER, you crippled, faggoty snowflake!

  6. I am not completely sure that there will be a debate. Hil thinks a debate shouldn’t be necessary her — she’s Hil Clinton — and she knows she would never last through a 90 minute session without the rules being broken for her — again, because she’s a Clinton.

  7. @Larry the Fucked-Up Liberal:

    You know, someone at work (a black woman) was whining that “If Trump is elected, he gonna put us back in chains.”

    Apparently you feel the same way too. Please explain. My viewpoint is that blacks are in chains NOW, because the liberal politicians, with their wonderful social welfare programs, have created a new slavery where Uncle Sam is the master. Trump will break that by creating a vibrant economy with enough work to go around. People who now receive government benefits can support themselves and their families under this scenario. Why do you find this objectionable?

  8. @gfy, that film is just a reverse of the same Czech film. As I understand it, some enterprising vid artists quickly reverse it and sell it as a “newly uncovered” second angle before anybody’s the wiser.

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