Crossdressing Luggage Snatcher Sam Brinton Gets Sweetheart Plea Deal – IOTW Report

Crossdressing Luggage Snatcher Sam Brinton Gets Sweetheart Plea Deal


ARLINGTON, Va.—Sam Brinton is a free man. The disgraced former Department of Energy official pleaded guilty to petit larceny as part of a sweetheart deal that will see him serve no jail time after facing felony charges that carried a sentence of up to 20 years.

State prosecutors quietly announced the plea deal during a hearing last week in Arlington General District Court, which is just an eight-minute drive from Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport where Brinton stole a Tanzanian female fashion designer’s luggage containing her custom designs six years ago. more

9 Comments on Crossdressing Luggage Snatcher Sam Brinton Gets Sweetheart Plea Deal

  1. That’s actually a common occurrence in our “justice” system. When I was a cop (retired almost 20 years now), I used to joke that the prosecutor’s office had 2 rubber stamps. The felony office had “Reduced to Misdemeanor”, and the misdemeanor office had “Nolle Prosse” (charges dropped). It has been that way a long time, but it sure seems that Dems and their base get those deals very often. Just ask the J6 political prisoners.

  2. Our justice system is so f-‘d up.
    The purpose of penalties is to deter future crimes.
    Feeling bad for someone now and being lenient just encourages future violators.
    Look at the $950 threshold for shoplifting in CA and see what that got them.


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