Crowd Chants ‘Fire Fauci’! Trump says ‘let me wait a little bit’ – IOTW Report

Crowd Chants ‘Fire Fauci’! Trump says ‘let me wait a little bit’


Associated Press- President Donald Trump is suggesting that he will fire the nation’s top infectious disease expert after Tuesday’s election, as he expresses frustration that the coronavirus remains in the news amid a nationwide spike of COVID-19.

Rallying supporters after midnight in Florida, Trump suggested that the virus would get less news coverage after Election Day. It sparked part of the crowd to chant “Fire Fauci,” in reference to Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Trump replied to the crowd, “Don’t tell anybody, but let me wait until a little bit after the election.” He has previously expressed that he was concerned about the political blowback of removing the popular and respected doctor before Election Day. He added he appreciated the “advice” of the crowd. more

If it were up to me:
End whatever security clearance Fauci has, send security to watch him pack up his shit and escort him out. Then warn him if he goes to the media or leaks any info, even what he had for lunch last week, he will be covered in honey and walnuts and tied to a canoe and left in the Florida Everglades.
Or- Fauci could just leave on his own, and we can skip the whole honey and walnuts thing.

13 Comments on Crowd Chants ‘Fire Fauci’! Trump says ‘let me wait a little bit’

  1. His love letters (email) to Hillary Clinton should have disqualified him from the get-go. He’s had his fun, now, helping destroy our economy and stripping us of our Constitutional rights, on behalf of those he most admires.

    And he’s NOT “popular” nor “respected” by a vast majority of Americans. I know no business person who preferred “stimulus” cash and unemployment benefits over a thriving workplace.

    Fauci has been enjoying his role as Dr. Doom way too much.

  2. Doctor Falsie Swampy Deep State has been a Clinton lover, Biden supporter, and a Trump hater for the last four years. He is an over relied on commentator on every television fake news program that has hidden the truth about the origins and effects of the ChiComVirus since he bought the false prediction of two million dead if the country didn’t shut down. He needs to retire and get paid for his CNN and MSNBC appearances. He needs to write his memoirs and get a book tour started in Chappaqua with his lover, President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton; but mainly he needs to stop pretending to being a politically unbiased epidemiologist.

  3. I remember a few weeks ago, after Trump’s first blast at Fauci, Google searches returned a bunch of smug declarations that Trump was powerless to fire the Covid Goblin. Then came Trump’s Schedule F EO, making it easier to fire federal employees. And then came yesterday’s fiery but mostly peaceful rally.

    Now, a Google search of “fire fauci” shows all the smug certitude is gone, and it’s all about shock and awe at Trump’s—and the crowd’s—audacity. If Fauci knows what’s good for him, he’ll retire before the end of the year. Or before the end of the week.


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