Crowder: Undertaker Explains “Mysterious” Clotting Phenomenon – IOTW Report

Crowder: Undertaker Explains “Mysterious” Clotting Phenomenon

Louder with Crowder: Even with online speech becoming freer by the moment, doctors and other professionals still risk losing their licenses for “misinformation”. But I found one mortician who isn’t afraid to talk about the strange fiberous clots that are now the norm for the fully vaccinated and recently deceased. UK-based John O’Looney joins me to discuss the most contentious subject on social media – Why #diedsuddenly is REALLY trending!

12 Comments on Crowder: Undertaker Explains “Mysterious” Clotting Phenomenon

  1. The discovery of blood clots by morticians have been around for almost a year or so. Dr. Malone has discussed this in the past, and over at there’s several articles regarding this. Right on schedule for all these side effects to come to light. They’ve known about it for a longer time, they couldn’t keep it hidden.

  2. ^ Longer than that, Golden. More like June/July, 2021, six months after the vaxes started en masse. I was sending links to my kids about it at the time advising “DON’T DO IT!” (and tell you friends, in-laws, etc.)

  3. If you haven’t seen this before, watch to the end. Starts at 16:50. It’s about 40 minutes long. Also, listen about Fauci in Africa, the actual purpose of this phony pandemic, the attempt to kill this embalmer in the hospital with “treatment”, etc. It’s almost too unbelievable. Yet, here it is. I have heard and watched similar documentations about these fibrous blood clots. But, this has been the most informative one on these subjects. This current, updated iteration will bring you to where we stand now, and it’s not very pretty. This will tell you what’s next on the kill menu, especially for America and the rest of Western Civilization. And…it’s VERY DELIBERATE!

    Do not worry. Nuremberg 2.0 is slowly beginning to catch on (but still being strongly suppressed).

    Thank You, for bringing this to the IOTW Report.

  4. Cisco your praise and glory to God is wonderful as are His miracles for His children on Earth. we are just waiting on Him to deliver us from this evil and the evil to come. We don’t know what tomorrow brings but we know who brings tomorrow. And when Shadrach Meshach and Abednego were put in the flames the Angel of the Lord, possibly the Lord Himself, was in the fire with them. They made it out and so will we. One way or the other.

  5. Here’s another explanation and allot more.They call what these scientists have proven “claims” but once you see the visual evidence and see their explanation you’ll be a believer.

    Go to ” ” and look for the article titled

    ” Scientists worldwide claim all Covid-19 Vaccines contain Nanotechnology & Graphene Oxide “

  6. This is an amazing interview and I pray to God it gets picked up by other outlets. Everyone should watch it through to the end; simply amazing and it will hold you’re attention better than any schlock Hollywood is putting out right now. Watch or listen to it if you haven’t yet – well worth your time.

  7. @Cisco Kid Praise God indeed! I pray he continues to improve.

    So my best friend of 25 years dumped me, 4 other long time friends and her excellent handy man because we became ‘crazy conspiracy theorists from mars’ about the ChiCom jab. Her D-I-L called me a few weeks ago to say former friend had a leg amputated due to ‘bizarre’ clots and tissue death. She received 4 jabs and was eager for one more. I am waiting to hear if former friend is happy with her vaccination status. I am not gloating and probably should not be sarcastic. I admit the manner in which she dropped all of us was very hurtful. We will be taking in her remaining cats as she will not be capable for quite a while.

  8. Groucho Marxist November 2, 2022 at 10:56 pm –

    SPECIAL NOTE RE: THE LINK ABOUT RECEIVING “COVID” CORPSES STARTED AROUND NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER IN 2020. NOTE: This was the same time when many of the COVID vaccinations were approved for use throughout many parts of the world. See Ref. below from Wikipedia:

    “As of 21 December 2020, many countries and the European Union[22] had authorized or approved the Pfizer–BioNTech COVID‑19 vaccine. Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates granted emergency marketing authorization for the Sinopharm BIBP vaccine.[23][24] On 11 December 2020, the FDA granted an EUA for the Pfizer–BioNTech COVID‑19 vaccine.[25] A week later, they granted an EUA for mRNA-1273 (active ingredient elasomeran), the Moderna vaccine.[26][27][28][29]”

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