Cruise Ship Ends Venezuelan Navy’s Career – IOTW Report

Cruise Ship Ends Venezuelan Navy’s Career

Facing just under 54 million percent inflation over the past three years under “president” Nicolas Maduro, forced into a steady diet of endangered African animals, and informed by US President Donald Trump that a war on cartels was imminent, the Venezuelan Navy decided to attack an unarmed cruise ship in international waters – and lost.

10 Comments on Cruise Ship Ends Venezuelan Navy’s Career

  1. Millions of Venezuelan sare suffering. Perhaps they deserve it for allowing themselves to be ruled by the likes of the corrupt maniacs ruling them now.

    But then, we Americans are not much different in that regard.

  2. OK, that’s a sorry story. But what about us? We have years worth of incriminating evidence against the entire liberal establishment for a coup against our President and we can’t even get his allies released from jail after it’s been proven that the FISA warrants that were used to convict them were falsely applied for in front of the FISA judge. I’d say we are more inept and incompetent than the Venezuelan military. Are we getting pissed off yet?!?!

  3. It seems piracy isn’t as successful as it used to be. It’s only a matter of time before the Bus Driver tries it again, and of course the US Navy will be happy to put an end to it.

  4. I have been lucky enough to go on 10 different cruises in my lifetime and I can tell you that those ships are YUUUGE!

    The bigger ones hold upwards of 5k passengers and 2k crew…. most have 15-17 decks above the water line with 2 or more reserved solely for the crew below the water line.

    Do not know the stats on total ship footage and displacement tonnage but suffice it to say if you are stupid enough to ram one of these monsters you best make sure you are driving an ice-breaker that used to work the ant-arctic on a regular basis if you want to survive it!


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