Cruz Blasts Drafting Women, Media Tries to Twist his Words – IOTW Report

Cruz Blasts Drafting Women, Media Tries to Twist his Words

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CR: Amidst the drama from last night’s debate, one overlooked policy point was that three candidates adopted the far-left view that women should be able to serve in all combat positions, including the Navy Seals, and even be required to register for selective service.  Rubio was originally asked about women in combat and voiced his support for the idea.  Jeb Bush and Chris Christie chimed in with full-throated support for it as well. 

Many conservatives wondered where the other candidates stood on the issue.  Well, today at a town hall in Peterborough, New Hampshire, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) left no ambiguity as to where he stood:  MORE

6 Comments on Cruz Blasts Drafting Women, Media Tries to Twist his Words

  1. We should draft the ones that have had abortions.
    Who would not fear going into battle against killers so cold blooded that they purposefully kill their own children?

  2. Cruz (and the writer) miss the point entirely here. This is a Leftist move only in the sense that the Left uses everything as a weapon to destroy Western culture. Gender equality in the military is no exception. But they have no intention of having their daughters go into, you know, combat combat. Calling them on the inanity in this way a terrific political move. It’s disappointing he didn’t see this.

  3. Agree with sgt.

    Draft all trannies, OWS types, hippies, the unemployed, and all butch lesbians, who should love the idea of being “one of the guys” but without the penis.

  4. When I hear lefty MSM types get on their high horses with, “Well, if you want to be equal in all things, you have to be equal in war as well.”

    Listen, Morons, my conservative daughters haven’t been whining about gender inequality. Your side has. Send your daughters.

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