Cruz fires top campaign spokesman over Rubio Bible video – IOTW Report

Cruz fires top campaign spokesman over Rubio Bible video

Good. And I hope the other candidates start firing some of their own dumb a$$es, too.

I’m so tired of this sh@t. No one has the ability to put a video together about the lying, ambassador killing, barking clown Hillary Clinton?  Can’t somebody please spend a little time on sticking it to Bernie Sanders? They could do 3 videos on the man’s spittle covered chin, his butter-teeth and dandruff alone. He’s a lazy, unrealistic, math challenged, cranky old Socialist. These two are low hanging fruit.

But no. One guy is more interested in suing people and threatening old ladies on Twitter. Another guy is too busy getting embarrassed as hell by the people he hired, and yet another guy is too busy accusing someone about lying about him lying about him lying in both Espanol y Ingles.
And you! Yeah dude, we KNOW your daddy was a mailman, quit fidgeting! And then there’s that last guy who … *sigh*.
I can’t even go there- He may shrink back into his shell.
All of you. The candidates, their staff members, the people who worship and blindly think their guy can do no wrong…You all make me tired.

Here’s the video. The Cruz video tells viewers that Rubio says, “none of the answers” are in the Bible, when he says, “ALL of the answers are in the Good Book.”

Here’s the article:

Cruz fires top campaign spokesman over Rubio Bible video

FOX: Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz said Monday he’s fired campaign communications director Rick Tyler, after his top spokesman promoted a video that wrongly depicted Florida Sen. Marco Rubio as trash-talking the Bible.

The Texas senator announced that he’s asked for the resignation at a press conference Monday afternoon.

Earth comet waiting
Where the f@ck is that comet already???

58 Comments on Cruz fires top campaign spokesman over Rubio Bible video

  1. MJA — Why are you bringing the other candidates into this story? It’s about Cruz and Rubio. And why weren’t you and others “tired of this sh*t” when Cruz sent out those fake “Voter Violation” mailers in Iowa or when his campaign told voters that Dr. Carson was out of the race, or when his campaign conducted anti-Trump push-polling in NH and SC? (Cruz denies this happened despite people who received the calls.)

    I get that politics are brutal and that for some it’s all fair. Cruz got caught in something he couldn’t make an outright denial of, but it’s just one more thing his campaign has done that seems to be the rule rather than the exception. I’m tired of the fiction that this isn’t his means-justifies-ends style. And I would not be surprised if Tyler isn’t retained in a contract status working well behind the lines; technically he is no longer “employed” as in employee.

  2. I tweeted a futile plea to Cruz’s campaign to shitcan that guy awhile ago. FINALLY, now that even more damage has been done to Cruz’s campaign, he decided to do it. I hope it isn’t (but I fear it is) too little, too late. Trump and Rubio have bludgeoned him nearly to death with the “liar” club.

  3. Yes, I do. But what does she have to do with Rick Tyler and Cruz?

    I like her because I think she’s an honest patriot who believes in the constitution and she’s been an able voice for the tea party and for Trump. She keeps her cool under fire; keeps to the message and doesn’t do that irritating shout down stuff. She’s been tagged for saying something racist, but it was actually her mocking herself — but it was too clever and easily twisted by pundits. I thought the bullet necklace she wore for one interview was awesome. She’s green and I think Trump’s campaign head is better — Lewandowski.

    I’m not sure if this is true, but I get the strong impression that people think the candidates are communicating with their campaign staff via ham radio on odd-numbered days and therefore have no idea what they are up to. There’s that plausible deniability again. I’m also sick of the “denouncing” ritual. Shouldn’t there at least be some incantations involved?

  4. BB — The difference is Cruz had to find people who were more experienced than himself. He put Tyler in charge because of his years of experience doing this and it shows. Tyler is running the kind of ground game Plouffe ran for obama — scorched earth, thousands upon thousands of minions, and every conceivable tactic, good and bad, to sandbag his oppo. That’s why there is the undeniable stench of bot sweat stinking up the place.

    Trump’s ground game — if you can call it that — is direct 1:1 marketing, filing stadiums to the max, and using Firecall by his unpaid volunteers. There are few middlemen. You can’t even get your hands on collateral to give away!

    That’s all I gotta say about that.

  5. The Reagan Commandment is broken daily.
    No wonder we lost the last two elections.
    By the time the general election rolls around folks are tired of all the candidates, and the tactics of politics leaves conservatives fed up with the endless throwing of the feces, something we wish we did not have in our party.
    I admire Kasich in his approach,
    I admire Cruz his eloquence
    I admire Rubio for his demeanor
    I admire Carson for answering the call
    I admire Jeb for packing it in.
    Yay they’re all great guys
    Now do like BFH says and train some of that firepower downrange at the enemy.

  6. This whole business of Trump, Cruz and Rubio in a circular firing squad is maddening. I picture the GOPe dressed in their finery with spectacles in hand, sitting high on a hillside with picnic baskets of fine wine and cheese, watching as the battle rages on.

    Reinforcements arrive to save Rubio, who is bloodied and grateful. The GOPe clap approvingly.

    Liar, liar…oh good grief.

  7. Oh puh-leeze….

    ““We are not a campaign that is going to question the faith of another candidate. Even if it was true, our campaign should not have sent it. That’s why I’ve asked for Rick Tyler’s resignation,” Cruz said. “The standards of conduct in this campaign have been made absolutely clear.”

    Even if its true?!?!?

  8. Trump just posted this:

    “Wow, Ted Cruz falsely suggested Marco Rubio mocked the Bible and was just forced to fire his Communications Director. More dirty tricks! No wonder he lost Evangelical support!”

    Trump is a liar. Ted Cruz did no such thing.

    I will not vote for Trump.

  9. Again,,,,“Even if it was true, our campaign should not have sent it. That’s why I’ve asked for Rick Tyler’s resignation,” Cruz said. “The standards of conduct in this campaign have been made absolutely clear.”

    Trump is absolutly right

  10. Brad
    I admire Trump because he kicks over the apple cart (i just forgot to add it in there).
    I have a Trump hat and a Vuvuzella (plastic trumpet) that I use to blast liberal pukes when they accost me with inanities.
    Think Vavoom from Felix the Cat

  11. MJA, well said. I have lost a lot of my enthusiasm for this election. I don’t think the elephants have done justice to the gold mine opportunity they have this election cycle. If they blow it this year I just don’t know what I’d do.

  12. Lazlo, Me too pal. I’ll be so far off the grid that you can’t see the grid. I’m thinking Tiny Cabin right smack dab on the border of Idaho and Canada. That way I could jump back and forth depending on who showed up to arrest me.

  13. I’m addicted to AA, Abigail Adams of iOTWReports fame, that is. AA is like the Tums bottle to the indigestion I get lately from most of my beloved Dextrosphere because so many of my blog pals are suffering from TDS and Trumpophobia these days. I secretly wish AA was the head writer at so the blog I’m too lazy to run could go full blown Trumptastic like The Last Refuge. Hi, my name is Zilla but friends can call me Mare and I am a Trumpaholic. I do not want to be cured.

    Oh wait, I’m off topic here under a Ted Cruz post. Sorry, I was eating a Milky Way! I used to like Ted but he turned me off by attacking my Donald, and talking like a lawyer all the time. I’d still vote for him if he were the GOP nominee though, but that goes for all of the candidates on the R side because Democrats are flat out evil.

    Re: Low Hanging fruits: MJA, you are a fabulous artist & awesome blogger (I still Luis ya even if you won’t hop on the Trump Train) so I think you are well suited to the challenge of some nifty new HillBern memes! Also, you make some good points about the bullshit from our GOP candidates. I find a lot of it to be like nails on a chalkboard.

    PPS Can you make my margarita into a banana daiquiri instead?

  14. Trump is at the threshold of sweeping the primaries and the Cruz crowd is starting to panic. We have one chance at beating Hillary, and it isn’t Ted Cruz. Is Ted more conservative than Trump, yes. Is be electable? No. The sooner we all understand that fact, and stop doing the democrats work for them, the better off we will all be.

  15. Zilla — Gosh, don’t know what to say. Thank you. Hope you are feeling tons better. I gave up sugar for Lent, so you made me covet your Milky Way. Was it good? 🙂 Dumb question. I know it was. It was probably a Milky Way Dark, too.

  16. AA, the bestiest Milky Way is the all caramel on the inside one. You should get some to enjoy on Easter Sunday. I am a lil’ better every day, thanks for the well wishes! I’ll certainly ask BFH for your email addy. I recently lost the last four years of blog posts due to some kind of database problem but I do wanna try to bring the thing back to life cuz the emptiness of it now is mocking me.

  17. Reading the many postings lately I can’t get over the fact that if I replaced the name Donald Trump with Mitt Romney I would be reading much the same stuff, just at more moderate sites.

    The posts telling us to support Romney because he’s better than a Democrat.

    The posts telling us that we better jump on the Romney train to victory.

    The posts about the idea that so-and-so candidate might be good, but he just can’t win in the general.

    Even the hearsay and innuendo about this candidate or that and how all the stuff about Romney was just lies because he is that good.

    I worry that, while everyone who supports Trump will deny it to their last breath, this year we have identity politics and a cult following for a guy on our side who isn’t what everyone thinks because he has left it up to them to define what he is and where he will take us.

    As an aside to this post, anyone else notice that when Trump talks about doing away with Obamacare he makes reference to how he will pass something better and that we will love the plans they will offer us. Nothing about doing away with Obamacare and leaving it to the people to buy what they need or want. No it’s all about plans that will be offered by Trump under some new law he will get passed to replace Obamacare.

    And that’s what worries me, the fine print with Trump. And there is always fine print.

    Sorry for going off topic here, just reading this thread of replies and the similarities to 2008 and 2012 are somewhat uncanny.

  18. Zilla — Now all I can think about is caramel-filled Milky Way’s. I just visited your site. Sorry you lost the stuff on the DB. Rats, huh? You need a morale boost! You’re a good blogger!

  19. AA,
    . But what does she have to do with Rick Tyler and Cruz?

    Because MJA said that she wishes the other candidates would fire their dumbasses too.

    Katrina Pierson ✔ ‎@KatrinaPierson
    @frymesumchicken #MLK was too moderate for Malcolm X is my #freedomfighter hero! Work, educate, and empower!!! @blackrepublican

    Katrina Pierson ✔ ‎@KatrinaPierson
    @texasbryanp Trayvon Martin was chased down, confronted and murdered. Too bad the police didn’t bother to investigate and chose to lie.
    3:53 PM – 21 Mar 2012

    Katrina Pierson ✔ ‎@KatrinaPierson
    @ToddKincannon All of the Santorum worshipers do that. lol They can’t handle the truth. Most of the religious types can’t.
    2:07 PM – 28 Jan 2012

    Katrina Pierson ✔ ‎@KatrinaPierson
    Notice it’s always the Christians that are married or too old to party that tell you how U should be living your life? As if they were St’s

    This was ahead of the Zimmerman verdict, saying that any blogger who said Zimmerman was innocent should be held accountable for any black riots.

    Katrina Pierson ✔ ‎@KatrinaPierson
    @PolitiCajun @KMBReferee Racism vs. Racism = violence. The bloggers should be held equally accountable as Sharpton for what happens next.

    As of one year ago she was a Cruz spox. Now that she’s on the Trump payroll Cruz is shite.

    In reality, Pierson thinks we are all shite.
    She is not a conservative, she is a BLM activist.

    I have first hand knowledge of what a hypocrite Pierson is, so does MJA.

    When she’s on the tee vee all I see is someone swallowing hard, playing a part and taking her paycheck.

  20. How is it people know that I’m a Trump supporter but get upset when I say that Trump should shed this Pierson woman?

    Mark my words. You heard it here first. Pierson is going to inject herself into the middle of this Trump campaign in a yuge way.
    She is Anita Hill in waiting.

    Trump is going to have a real problem down the road and it’s going to be because Pierson betrayed him.

  21. Trump only hires the smartest people BFH. He took bankruptcy 4 times (2009 was the latest) but that was totally discredited (in BB’s eyes) because it wasn’t “personal bankruptcy” but chapter 13. As in his fellow investors got totally screwed while he continued to soft bill the failed businesses into and beyond chapter 13.

    And he is brilliant with the economy. He is going to keep business in the US. The only way a politician does it (through legislation, not executive) is through a tariff. You think an I phone is expensive now. Wait until we tariff every import. Trump will make Venezuela look prosperous.

    This guy is a brilliant executive but only when he is on a game show and only to BB.

  22. JPM, you don’t get it because you grow turnips for a living and don’t understand the competative business world. Did Trump come out on top? I guess you’d rather vote for a loser. Hey Cruz is still in the race, have a ball. Do you want to keep making this personal with me? Just let me know.

  23. Fur, Okay. Do tell all. I only know her through the tea party. Was very excited to see her picked up by Trump because of it. She was a real firecracker for tea, on a par with Barbara from Harlem. Something else that might be of interest is that she publically talked about her desire to do some kind of design work — clothing, jewelry, ? She knows that both Melania and Ivanka have enormous influence in this kind of business. Hmmm? Is it more than a symbiotic relationship? Who knows. I dismissed the refs you made above, thinking it was just more of the same viciousness coming out of the establishment. But I will check what you wrote.

    So you think she’s a plant of some kind? I didn’t get upset at your question. I didn’t think you suggested she go. This was a story about Rubio, Cruz and Tyler. I don’t like moral equivalency arguments. They are used to draw attention away from the main players.

  24. Bad_Brad,

    What is it with you and these adolescent barbs. Really, read a book, expand your mind, but at least come up with something more mature.

    As for my “cult-like fixation” on whatever it is you have assigned me. I can assure you there is none other than my desire to research and dig for what the truth is regarding many subjects. Trump is my current topic only because the more you dig on him the larger the contrast between what people post about him and reality.

    As for Cruz, I have posted many times where I have found that what was put forth here was incorrect. A prime example would be his sister and the fact that some were trying to suggest that her opinion couldn’t be left-wing because Alito concurred. Funny, but it was right there in the opinion where Alito wrote that he did NOT concur with the opinion and merely concurred with the judgment and then went on to give his very different opinion and reason for his agreement to the judgment.

    It seems this makes me a Cruz supporter and I can accept that, but it is by no means a cult following. I have said here today that I would vote for Trump OVER a socialist Democrat (both are socialist, just one is heavy and the other not so much). And as another point when I first found out Cruz supported higher numbers of H1B and H2B Visas I was against him. Until I dug deeper and found he proposed that while at the same time adding to it the fact that to use those Visas the workers would have to be paid a seriously high wage making the Visas cost prohibitive to use and pulling an end run on foreign contracting firms.

  25. Woody, you keep repeating your same “I’m astonished, I’m amazed, I’m confused intro. It’s getting freaking boring. Please try something new. Doubt me? Reread. You’ll be astonished, amazed, and confused all at the same time.

  26. Bad_Brad,

    Well the problem arises from the fact that just when I think I have seen the extreme in some position or topic and it couldn’t go an further, someone like you manages to “amaze” me and go further.

    As a writing style I sometimes use it to introduce the reason for my post as I wouldn’t bother to comment if the subject about which I was commenting was at least interesting to me.

    Sorry if this bores you, but to be honest I couldn’t care less.

    Your style on the other hand is akin to what I see in many left-wing sites. Occasionally lengthy tirades followed by attempted hit-and-run attacks on those that don’t agree with you.

    Case in point above.

    So good luck with improving your style and becoming more mature in your posts, it takes time and growth and I have the feeling you have plenty of the former and tons of room for the latter.

  27. Brad – voting for someone just because you think he is a winner is not necessarily a good reason, in my view. I think it would be better to vote for someone who has principles. After all, Obama was a winner too.

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