Cruz: GOP can empower grassroots by ditching consultants, ‘Soviet-style campaigns’ – IOTW Report

Cruz: GOP can empower grassroots by ditching consultants, ‘Soviet-style campaigns’


Sen. Ted Cruz said Saturday that the GOP can bolster its appeal by sticking to its conservative principles and embracing a bottom-up campaign model that empowers grassroots voters.

Speaking at the Republican Leadership Conference, Mr. Cruz said the party must ditch the Washington-centric campaign model and stop listening to the political consultants.

“A lot of Republicans tend to have top-down Soviet-style campaigns,” Mr. Cruz said. “It is very odd for a party that believes in free market that they run campaigns through command and control.”

“That is disempowering and it doesn’t inspire,” Mr. Cruz said. “What is far more effective is having a race built on empowering the grassroots.”

more <—Video at the link


15 Comments on Cruz: GOP can empower grassroots by ditching consultants, ‘Soviet-style campaigns’

  1. His skewering of Karl Rove – albeit not specifically named – at the Louisiana straw poll was classic.

    “There’s this cluster of political consultants (read: Karl Rove), they keep running losing political campaigns, making the same mistakes, and they keep coming back to Republican donors saying ‘give us money to do the same failed thing that didn’t work last time or the time before, and let us make those mistakes again.”

    Cruz is rising to the top. You and I know better, but we must tell all of our low info republican friends to ignore the LSM and e-republican promoters of Jeb and Krispie, and rally around Ted!

  2. I have a theory that many of the “consultants” that the GOP hires to tell them what to believe in are actually leftist operatives.

    And, I think many GOP have been in WDC so long they no longer are able to think straight and rely on these consultants to think for them.

    How else can you explain it?

  3. bob: I think you’re close. There is the entrenched Republican Establishment which is composed of moderates and liberals by most definitions. They have an “in-house” consultant class and then there are “guns for hire” that want that K Street lifestyle and have to continue supporting it even when their candidate loses.

    Along comes the New Guy – Johnny or Janey Conservative. He or She is going to “shake up” the Establishment but – shocker – they are new to the national game and have no such consultants or organization to realistically pull this off. They don’t know how to buy airtime, leak stories to influential reporters, get their view to a national audience.

    For every Rove, there are 10 hangers on who have to get real jobs to pay the bills when they aren’t working for elected candidates but they have what a newcomer would mistake as “experience”.

    New Guy/Girl then hires these types of consultants who then work on their campaign for a few months to a year and then jump ship after learning all of their dirty laundry. Oh, Herman Cain had an affair? Boom. Ross Perot thinks little green men landed on his plantation? Stab. Etc., etc.

    There is a consultancy class that makes a living off of stabbing the New Guy in the chest to parlay that into getting back into the Establishment’s good graces. But if you’re not in the Establishment they will never let you in.

    If you have a few hours to kill one day, read Ed Rollin’s autobiography. As a lifelong loser and outcast, there are some insights on the Bush Establishment, which is what we are contending with exactly. Michelle Bachmann made the mistake of picking him up and he did what he always does (read: shooting off his mouth and torpedoing the fool who hires him)

  4. Stirrin’: Don’t worry. It’s only a matter of time before I say something that pisses everyone off.

    I don’t know when. I don’t know where. Or over what. But of that, I am certain.

    Think I’ll just pull a Costanza and go out on top.

  5. I never voted for a fucking lobbyist and I never will. Why does the elite GOP act as if they are the consecrated voting public with sooper majical powerz? Skull-fuck them all in the face.

  6. This is exactly what’s going on here in California. Big Republican Money (read Charles Munger Jr.) is spending millions to get non-conservatives elected as the Republican nominee. He has spent hundreds of thousands to defeat Tim Donnelly and even MORE than that to defeat my friend Rob McCoy in the 44th Assembly race. It looks like it’s not going to work this time. The grassroots is really active over here. When the “tea party” candidate gets nominated to the California governor’s ticket, it’s going to send a very loud message to the rest of the country.

  7. Obviously Mr. Pinko can not appear in any photos with Mr. Cruz but here is one I took of the fabulous Ms. Pamela Geller with the Senator. Senator Cruz was very gracious with his time with us.

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