Cruz responds to ‘Dreamer’ illegal alien advocate who crashes his rally – IOTW Report

Cruz responds to ‘Dreamer’ illegal alien advocate who crashes his rally

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9 Comments on Cruz responds to ‘Dreamer’ illegal alien advocate who crashes his rally

  1. Yeah super.

    Don’t forget that Cruz announced his run 6 months before Trump and NOT ONCE did he say this. NOT ONCE did he say he would build a wall. NOT ONCE did he say that all illegals must go back.

    On the day Trump announced, he said he would build a wall that Mexico would pay for, that Mexico was sending us rapists and criminals and that all illegals had to go back.

    In fact it’s only been in the last weeks that Cruz even had the balls to say directly, no amnesty.

    He also has recently backtracked on an earlier policy that would have allowed 100s of 1,000s of H1-B entries.

    He gets slimier the more I look into him.

  2. The immigration laws of this land were passed by Congress and must be enforced by the Executive branch and the Agencies.

    Cruz will follow the law and the Agencies will be administered without political favoritism.
    About time !

  3. If Cruz wanted to make a statement, here is what he should have done: First of all, make sure he knows Title 8 and the Walter-McCarran Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 inside and out. Second, have his own people recording the event, especially all views around the candidate. Third, reenact the scene from “Patton” when Gen. Patton slaps the soldier for cowardice under fire.

    Then calmly explain to this dreamer that they have no grounds for anything as they came into this country without having been inspected and therefore they are inadmissible. By this simple fact, they are in violation of section 212(a)(6)(A)(i) of Walter-McCarran, for admissibility. And section 237(a)(1)(A) of Walter-McCarran (also known or abbreviated as INA or just as “the act”)

    Then say to the woman that since the president can only modify or change priorities not make whole new laws. Then calmly tell the women to get the %*#^%*$# out!

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