Cruz vs Trump – premature? – IOTW Report

Cruz vs Trump – premature?

Did Ted Cruz screw up? Cruz attacks Trump at a private meeting – the audio is leaked (Romney deja vu).
Cruz’s campaign dismissed the story as “misleading,” but Cruz himself said he would not comment on something that “may or may not have said at a private fundraiser.” The Times responded by posting leaked audio of Cruz discussing Trump, which appeared to confirm the newspaper’s account of what the senator had said. (source)
Megyn Kelly video

What will possibly hurt Cruz?
Ted Cruz wife was on the board of Council of Foreign Relations and also Managing Director Goldman, Sachs & Co. 2013 – Present (2 years)
Vice President – Goldman, Sachs & Co. 2005 – 2012 (7 years)

Rare footage of Ted Cruz responding about Heidi Cruz on the board of Council of Foreign Relations. (go to the 2:15 mark)

Mr. Pinko’s opinion – This is a premature head to head bout that should’ve waited until the herd OFFICIALLY thinned out (aka Bush and Rubio). The media is forcing the timing of this inevitable clash. Who will it hurt? Who will it benefit? Remains to be seen.

Trump responds

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52 Comments on Cruz vs Trump – premature?

  1. With the tentacles of Bush and Rubio, considering he’s a political first cousin to Jeb!, throughout the global financial sector, there were probably operatives in there. Or it could have been the pork sweating Rove wearing recording equipment under his greasy trench coat. Now, how will Anderson Pooper and the moderators at CNN handle it?

  2. I personally didn’t hear anything in that audio clip that was wrong, nor did I hear anything that didn’t make sense from Cruz’s perspective as a competitor of Trump in this campaign. There is a good chance that Cruz could win the nomination if he stays on point, especially if Trump self-destructs, which he seems hell-bent on doing at times.

  3. Criticizing your opponents and presenting yourself as the better choice while fundraising?

    Dear God, what kind of monster is he?!!!! Doesn’t Cruz know he’s supposed to campaign for Donald Trump while he’s running for President?!

    This is another nothing-burger used by the Enslaved Press to further divide the Republican base. Sadly, despite the fact that Conservative blogs claim to be able to see through the bullshit of the Enslaved Press, they are playing right into their hands. I’ve seen a couple sites already attack Cruz over this as if it is unheard of for a Presidential Candidate to speak of why he is the best choice to be President.

    But what Presidential candidate doesn’t campaign as being the best choice? What presidential candidate says at Fundraisers, “The other guy is far better than I am, but vote for me anyway.”

    I won’t let the Enslaved Press lead me around by the nose and tear apart the conservative base in order to force through an Establishment candidate. And that is precisely what this news report is aiming to do.

  4. Latest Gravis poll has Trump at 42%!!!! Cruz at 16%-Trump has almost TRIPLE the support. And this poll was taken after he said our moslim immigration policy should be to stop all moslim immigration.

    I believe Cruz displayed his tiny testicles after Trump made yet another bold public policy statement by saying he didn’t think that halting moslim immigration was the right policy. Cruz is so out of step with the conservative base on this that I’m surprised he got as high as 16%.

    Here was yet another missed opportunity for Cruz to step up and he wiffed it. There’s just been too many of these along with a some horrendous votes that he walked back ala Kerry’s I was for it before I was against it. People aren’t stupid(Magnum) they are seeing all of this and taking it in.

    And that released tape of Cruz bashing Trump showed a level of swarminess unmatched anywhere on our side yet this season. It really gave me pause. I know a lot of people are for a Trump/Cruz ticket but not me anymore.

  5. Cruz is my second choice if Trump doesn’t make it.
    I ask this in a non-confrontational or braggadocios way – have you ever personally met Ted Cruz? Have you spoken to him one on one?

  6. Sundance observation which is correct:
    “Initially, when questioned Cruz denied the statement. Secondly, when questioned again by Megyn Kelly (last night) Cruz refused to take ownership of his words.”

  7. I like Cruz too.
    But Trump is showing bigger balls, and now he’s calling for the death penalty for anyone who kills a police officer.

    Cruz would make a great VP or Attny. Gen.

  8. Latest Bloomberg poll has 64% of likely Republican voters agreeing with the Trump proposal to stop moslim immigration.

    If this where Ted wants to paint a difference you can say adios amigo right now instead of later.

    Oh wait, Ted has a charming wife….yawn.

  9. Vietvet nails this one cold! There’s nothing here people except Cruz’ expectation of privacy has been raped by some RINO faction assuming a Dem Donkey would have been easily detected a George Allen macaca.

    Trump should be glad that is all that he heard Cruz say, and tell the world he will destroy any asshole(s) who try to violate his expectation of privacy like that. Trump would have done much better to say that he too, likes Cruz, but disagrees with his assessment of his chances.

  10. “especially if Trump self-destructs, which he seems hell-bent on doing at times.”

    That’s just a talking point from the left and the GOPe. According to the polls can you give an example where Trump came close to self-destructing?

  11. It seems that Fox is finally waking up to Trump and accepting that Jeb is gone and Rubio (the two establishment choices) seem to be losing ground. You watch how they will now try to pit Cruz against Trump.

  12. I have met Ted Cruz, briefly. Then I stood back and watched very carefully how he interacted with others he was meeting. This was well before he hinted at running for the presidency, yet he seemed to be campaigning towards it even then.

    I didn’t like him. There was something of faux concern about him – like he wanted you to believe he was CONCERNED even though there was no problem being addressed. (Mike Lee really impressed me as a straight genuine guy though)

    This thing about him talking slight smack about Mr. Trump isn’t so troubling. What IS is that he acts one way to the little people and a different way to the big donors. What is even worse is that he PRETENDS not to know what he did. REALLY??? Mr. PERFECT AUDIO RECALL? He is a fricken human tape recorder yall. Don’t tell me he doesn’t recall what he said.
    Reminds me of how surprised he was to learn that he had a Canadian birth certificate. Politicians, ugh.

  13. My take is much like everyone else. But Mr. Pinko has it right, the devil is in the details. It’s not what Cruz said, it’s the fact (fact, not opinion) that he tried to lie about having said what he said and then when asked again by Kelly, didn’t own his own words. If it was such a nothing thing, and I think it was, Cruz should have treated it that way and stood up for himself. But no, he goes into milquetoast mode and says something that is barely intelligible or believable. But I get him, that’s his way of saying something while trying to say nothing. That alone should have everyone hitting the pause button. Frankly, I’ve had over seven years of politicians doing this!! And I’m tired of it!

    And Cruz’s wife’s career activities and associations are going to be important in this race of a lifetime. Usually conservatives are the last to criticize the free association of anyone (except the Left’s, which is almost always justified), but this is a race of the Chamber of Commerce and Wall Street against Main Street. So, when you have a candidate who is making closed-door pitches to Big Money who has a wife who lived Big Money, that’s going to be a problem for a majority of conservatives, tired Democrats and Indies who so clearly see who has been running the U.S. government and writing the laws for decades.

    Sorry to say for Ted Cruz, but Donald Trump has released the Kraken of the American people and woe to him who thinks he is going to try to control it. And, weirdly enough, Trump isn’t even trying to control it. And THAT is the difference. Trump is battling the will of the Beltway. Everyone else is still trying to subdue the voters. Sit with that for a while.

  14. Yes I have talked to Ted Cruz when he ran for the senate. It’s good to get all the information out on each candidate. I just think it’s ashamed when someone like Sundance goes out of his way to put out sketchy information at best just because he hates Ted Cruz, that’s chickenshit because he turns away people that need to vote for Cruz if he’s the nominee. Frankly I’m tired of the Trump supporters bashing Cruz supporters and vise versa. We should be grateful we are blessed with two great men to choose from and all come together and vote for either one.

  15. Nice personal attack clown. How does anything I stated make me a liar or a racist? I met Cruz, and took a picture of him with my husband. We chatted for a bit, which resulted in my OPINION of the man. And randomly calling a person a RACIST !!!!!!! is just unhinged.

  16. Pinko this is more than this one article. I’ve read Sundance’s comments bashing Cruz and he’s proud of it. He has a following of a mixed assortment of people that think he’s God and a lot of false information about Ted Cruz is being spread on His site. It’s bullshit. He’s the one that told all his followers that Cruz couldn’t win! Why does he bash Cruz all the time then? why not just build up Trump.

  17. You’ll note that, whenever there IS some “sordid” (or faux-sordid) item in the news about the GOP candidates…it’s NEVER about any of the Establishment rubes.

    Gee…I DON’T wonder why….

  18. GrandeMe , Don’t take it personal. That guy has 7 pair of Ted Cruz action figure underwear.

    As far as getting a sense Cruz is trying to make you feel like he’s concerned. I pick up on that too even over the TV. It’s those damn pregnant pauses. But then again another Lawyer/Politician.

  19. I already regret responding to your assault on GrandMe, but I say, “Hey, what could possibly go wrong?” right now. I blame it on decaf instead of the real thing. ‘Nuff said.

    You, Magnum, have only two general responses to anyone who criticizes your candidate: Either they are “stupid” (and by association) “assholes” because, in your opinion, they are gullible enough to read Sundance. Or, they are (now) “birthers”, “racists”, or “both.”

    For the past several weeks you have loaded up every thread that has even the most negligible connection to Ted Cruz — and probably some that don’t — with links promoting him. You have done likewise with the Bull Pen. And I’ve noticed that whenever anyone posts a Trump piece in the BP, you come along behind and push that piece to the bottom with a string of posts about Cruz. Then if anyone responds critically to your BP posts, you go after them in the same way you just attacked GrandMe — crudely, viciously and personally.

    You also assert that Sundance is a “Cruz-hater”. Just a little while ago I searched Sundance’s articles on Cruz. You and anyone else can do the same. I’d like to read what you think is “Cruz-hating” in those articles. Of course there will be commenters on any site who will express their hatred for a candidate, but I did not read anything there that incites or invites commenters to say the things they say.

    Conversely, you, Magnum, have regaled readers at IOTWReport with many links to sites who are exactly what you accuse Sundance of being. Many of them seem only to exist to denigrate not only Trump, but his supporters. This is not a few incidences, but the main theme of your posts. In fact, it was this very thing that got me so riled up in the first place several weeks ago. Having lived through the insults and attacks from obama supporters, the unkindest cut of all is to have a fresh assault waged by people who are supposed to be your fellow conservatives. It’s sickening.

    I’m not trying to appeal to your better angels, here. Do what you think is going to get Cruz elected. Just know, however, that calling Trump supporters (or Cruz criticizers) these names, you are ultimately hurting your candidate. The GOPe are just starting to wake up to that fact.


    P.S. I think it would be so much more interesting to read your opinions about a thread than to read your links, especially given what I’ve just said about them.

  20. I must have missed the part where Cruz bashed Trump.

    What I heard was Cruz thanking Trump for steering the national political conversation towards promoting the standing-up against Washington corruption.

    Cruz also admitted that he liked both Trump & Carson, but he didn’t think they’d win the primary election. I didn’t understand that as a bashing.

  21. Yea I just listened to the audio and Cruz didn’t attack Trump in my opinion. He just said that he thought Trump and Carson’s campaigns had a “natural arc” and that they were on a downtrend. This audio reaffirms my view that Cruz is 10x smarter than anybody else in the room.

  22. I don’t recall saying Donald Trump “came close” to anything.The process of self-destruction I’m talking about is not an immediate thing; it occurs gradually over time. The more things he says that are perceived by mainstream voters to be extreme (read: nutty), the less likely they are to want him in the White House with his finger on the nuclear button. Note that I am not talking about the most rabid Trump supporters here. The Donald could tell them he’s going to lead a march to Washington to take over the Government, and all they would want to know is where does the line form. And don’t get me wrong – Americans want a strong leader, but they also want to be able to sleep at night. If Trump wishes to be elected, he should at least avoid seeming to appear out of control at times.

    P.S. – Nobody ever got elected by a poll.


  23. I spent quality time with Ted Cruz. Loved him before I met him. Walked away disappointed. Parses his words carefully, always on guard – speaks AT you – not TO you, plastic, lawyer-like and a stereotypical politician – a HUGE turn off.
    STILL my second choice behind Trump.

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