Crybully Cries on CNN – IOTW Report

Crybully Cries on CNN


White House Reporter Who Yelled At Sarah Sanders: ‘I Don’t Like Bullies’.

Brian Karem, the reporter who lashed out at Sarah Huckabee Sanders at Tuesday’s White House press briefing, complained on CNN that he is “tired of being bullied.”

At the press briefing Tuesday, Karem interrupted Sanders and accused her of using inflammatory rhetoric against the press. Sanders was responding to a question about fake news media, particularly CNN, which just forced three employees to resign over an incorrect Russia story.

On CNN’s “New Day” Wednesday, Karem explained that he shouted out at Sanders because he can’t stand the way she and other White House officials treat the press.

“I don’t like bullies. I’ve been tired of being bullied…” MORE HERE

24 Comments on Crybully Cries on CNN

  1. Perhaps if the press stopped using half-truths, “anonymous sources” that seem to appear and disappear depending on how badly the reporter wants to portray Trump, outright lies and unconcealed bias against him there wouldn’t be a need for these scenes between a Playboy reporter (oh, by the way they’ve just recently begun to print nude photos of women again thus ending the great experiment in determining why men buy Playboy) and a WhiteHouse news wrangler.

  2. “Do Democrats have a farm where they breed these idiots?”

    Yes. The commie/sexual perversion indoctrination centers. AKA, public schools and the university system.

  3. No one will care when PLAYBOY receives the email that their WH Press pass is cancelled.

    WTH is a monthly lifestyle non-news mag doing with WH credentials anyway?

    Shouting at a female WH Press Sec? Offensive, sexist, disruptive.
    Delete his fat ME looking butt.

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