Cryin’ John Boehner promoting legal marijuana – IOTW Report

Cryin’ John Boehner promoting legal marijuana

Read about it, here.

Could this be the REAL REASON why he changed his mind?


16 Comments on Cryin’ John Boehner promoting legal marijuana

  1. Pot does not relieve pain better than Motrin, and certainly not better than an opioid. Those advocating for it are really just looking to make money. Boehner or someone in his family or friend circle must have an investment.

  2. I never liked this greaseball. I listened to him once being interviewed by Dave Feherty on the golf channel , or something. I remember him say that his one ambition in life was to become Speaker of the House. That, he achieved.
    But he gave me the impression that he didn’t give a phuck about anything else, like America, and the people he was sworn to serve. But that’s just my impression. I thought I was wrong once about impressions, but I was mistaken.

  3. wow.. I could have thought of a worse punishment for Boner but it would have ended me up in prison. Thank you Lord, for keeping me out of a life in prison and giving Boner a South Florida Jamaican low life skell son in law that is a loser junkie drunk. The family holiday parties must be awesome when the relatives that live west of I-95 show up. I hope to see the happy couple strolling along Atlantic Avenue some day so I can send my regards to Boner.


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