Cuba Has Detained Half a Million Dissidents, Still Starving Prisoners to Death – IOTW Report

Cuba Has Detained Half a Million Dissidents, Still Starving Prisoners to Death

Breitbart: WASHINGTON, DC — Cuba continues to employ starvation and dehydration as a mechanism to break political prisoners physically and mentally, Breitbart News learned from a former political prisoner on Friday.

The practice of starving detainees and limiting their access to water remains “a systematic and official practice,” Luis Zúñiga, a former political prisoner, declared during an event on human rights in Cuba hosted by the Organization of American States (OAS).

“You go today and ask a political prisoner who has just left jail what system of feeding he was subjected to and what he is going to say is a regimen of hunger, thirst, and malnutrition,” he added.

Echoing Zúñiga, Paulo Abrao, the chief of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) at OAS, noted that human rights abuses against political prisoners and the population as a whole “persist” in Cuba.

The Cuban regime’s practice of “harassment, threats, arbitrary detentions, detentions for the exit of the country, deportations, and the criminalization of freedom of expression, and human rights abuses” continue unabated, Abrao said, adding, “We can affirm that systematic abuse persists.”

During the event at OAS headquarters, the Justice Cuba international commission presented testimony from former political prisoners who have witnessed the torture and atrocities at the hands of the Cuban government first-hand.

The commission has compiled legal evidence against the Castro regime’s most prominent officials to bring them to justice at an appropriate tribunal.

According to the witnesses, the regime’s oppression is not confined to the political prisons and forced labor camps – it affects all citizens. They acknowledged that, just like political prisons, Cuba continues to operate forced labor camps.  more here

7 Comments on Cuba Has Detained Half a Million Dissidents, Still Starving Prisoners to Death

  1. The year is 2058. Ten years have passed since the last Whitey was rounded up and placed in internment camps.
    President Julia Munoz-Nkmbogo climbed the stairs to the roof of the White House (elevator broken since ’48) and in a yelled to the reporters writing on pads below that today, Federal ration plans will again reduce the daily caloric intake median. Also she stated that all ownership of canned goods is hereby forbidden and will be considered ‘Hoarding’. Failure to report and turn in food stuff items outside of the Federal Caloric guidelines is now a Capital Offense and subject to adjudication and execution of all responsible parties and confiscation of all resources

  2. Well, duh … DUH!
    Name one socialist country without a gulag! Without rationing! Without some failure caused by drought, rain, kulaks, Globaloney Warming, Globaloney Kooling, wreckers, fifth columnists, Jews, Hoarding, anti-Revolutionary traitors, or some other nonsense.

    Socialism doesn’t work. It simply cannot work! If a country (any country) has to disarm its population and FORCE them to accept the dictates of the Party, the Central Committee, the Imam, the Politburo, or the Fuhrer – that country is illegitimately governed.

    That this remains a mystery after 242 years is fantastically stupid.

    izlamo delenda est …

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